PERSPECTIVE: Prince Charles Johnson, III, An Outstanding Statesman

Diaspora News

PERSPECTIVE: Prince Charles Johnson, III, An Outstanding Statesman

Now Director, National Security Agency (NSA), Major General (Maj/Gen) Prince Charles Johnson III, (Retired) is the current Director of the National Security Agency (NSA). He was appointed on May 1, 2024 by the President of Liberia following the Senate confirmation.

An infantry officer who served his country for nearly eighteen years and rose to the highest military positions as Chief of Staff / Chief of Defense Staff and Honorable Minister of National Defense, Republic of Liberia. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant after completion of the Officer Candidate School (OCS) in 2007. He has held several positions within the Armed Forces Liberia (AFL): Chief of Staff; Deputy Chief of Staff; Commanding General/23rd Infantry Brigade Commander; Chief of Operations; Military Assistant to the Minister of National Defense.

Maj/Gen Johnson, III (Retired) has attended several military schools, including the US Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA; Infantry Mechanized Company Commander Course (MCCC) in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China Hebei Province, China; Junior Staff Course (JSC), Horton Military Academy, Freetown, Sierra Leone; Infantry Young Officer Course (YOC) at the Nigeria Army School of Infantry in Jaji, Kaduna, Nigeria.

He has received the following awards and medals: the Forces Service Star (FSS), Forces Service Ribbon (FSR), Land Forces Command Medal (LFCM), General Operations Medal (GOM), and the Professional Course Brooch (PCB). He is also an inductee of the United States Army Command and General Staff College, International Hall of Fame (IHOF), Fort Leavenworth and recipient of the Michigan National Guard Distinguished Service Medal (DSM), US Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

Maj/Gen Johnson III (Retired) holds a Master of Arts Degree in Peace Studies (MAPS) from the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation (KAICT), University of Liberia; Post Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management from the Institute for Public Administration and Management (IPAM) – University of Sierra Leone, Freetown; a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in Accounting from the United Methodist University.

In addition, he has completed the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education for Senior Executives in National and International Security, Harvard University, and both African Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) Seminars in Senior Military leadership and managing Security Resources in Africa, all in the USA.

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