With Ties to Slam IAA Boss: Terry Reeves Reveals Unspeakable Ordeal

Crime Watch

With Ties to Slam IAA Boss: Terry Reeves Reveals Unspeakable Ordeal

IPNEWS: It has been nearly four years since Mr.  Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua, Director General, Internal Audit Agency was found dead at his 72nd Boulevard residence on early Saturday morning, October 4, 2020. He is the fourth auditor to have died in a space of eight days in Monrovia according to statistics.

Circumstances surrounding his death remain scanty, but according to reports, the incident occurred at about 2 am on Saturday, October 4,2020 after he had left the famous D’Calabash, an amusement spot along the Congo Town backroad where he had been with friends until he went home after midnight.

The Liberia National Police barricaded the entrance of his residence to prevented intruders, reporters, family and friends’ entry until they could complete a forensic investigation within the compound.

The police, however, could not explain the cause of death but stated the possibility of a fall from an elevation.

Circumstances surrounding Mr. Nyenswa’s death remain strange to this date. While it is reported that he fell from the top floor through a window of his one-story building and died instantly, others also believe that he may have been aggressively pushed from the top floor which is about 30ft from the ground, but the police say they are investigating the cause of death and would keep the public abreast.

At his residence, one of his drivers informed the authoritative Independent Probe newspaper that he dropped Mr. Nyenswa and his friends off at his residence at about 12 midnight on Saturday, October 3, 2020 for home. However, at about 3am, to surprised call that his boss had fallen from upstairs prompting him to rush back to the house and transported him to the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center where he was pronounced dead on arrival. He said he observed a cut behind his head but could not confirm whether it was as a result of the fall.

The driver revealed that he left Mr. Nyenswa and his friends at his residence prior to his demise but could not name the friends. He, however, said some were employees of the IAA.

Amidst all the uncertainties, one of the known silent friend of Mr.  Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua, Director General, Internal Audit Agency, Terry Reeves, who was also with Barten Nyeswua on the night of his demised, reveals some unspeakable stories to the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper (IPNEWS) how he escaped and the aftermath of the death of his close friend.

Terry Reeve, tells IPNEWS from his flight from Liberia to Canada where he’s still nurses a broken spirit yet feels better to narrates circumstances over the death of Mr.  Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua, Director General, Internal Audit Agency, on that fateful Saturday morning of October 4, 2020.

Reeves narrates that since then, his life had been associated with fear, terror and hardship, especially living in his own country of birth worse than life in a refugee camp.

He told IPNEWS that three years on following the death of Mr.  Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua, he feels more confident to speak out of fear of being targeted or his closed relatives in his native Liberia, a country on the West Coast of Africa, home to free American Slaves established in the early 1820s.

Terry Reeves tell IPNEWS how his boss, Former Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmena Jallah, insisted he finally killed Mr.  Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua, Director General, Internal Audit Agency , upon arrival at the J.F.K. medical center.

“I was asked by my Boss lady, Dr. Williamena Jallah, then Minister of health to finish the work of a government official that assassins had left half dead by the name of Barten Nyensua, at the JFK Medical Center. But prior to his death, it was rumored that Barten Nyensua, Director- General, Internal Audit Agency, had been mandated by his close friends, Former Finance Minister and Commissioner General, Liberia Revenue Authority, (LRA), to damage audit report that would eventually uncovered the government’s shady deeds and how millions of United States dollars had gone missing from the Central Bank of Liberia and those Big names that were involved. It is also alleged that because of this same audit report, 4 auditors mysteriously died in the matter of weeks prior to his death amidst reports that key figures within government circle were using assassins to kill those auditors including my friend Barten Nyensua on October 21,2020 who was left half dead and carried to the JFK Medical Center by his driver.”

“By then Boss lady who was said to have been implicated in the audit report about the missing COVID 19 fund called me at around 2:am on the 22nd of October 2020 with a specific instruction- ‘go  to the JFK and finished the job. Between sleep and wake, I was trying to inquire from her what job? then she whispered the name Barten Nyensua.  It shocked me because we have never had such dealings before, There and then I told my Boss lady that I have never done such before and will never do such knowing well it was my friend that was being talked about. After my refusal, few minutes later I began receiving calls from big names (withheld) in the government. Calls from the likes of the former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Hon. Nathaniel F.Mcgill, Hon.Bill Twahway, the Managing Director of The Port and Ms.Finda Bondo, protocol to the President of Liberia. They were all calling my phone because I believed she had given them assurance that I could pull the job as I was one of her trusted confidants and a close friend of Mr.  Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua.”

“It was at this point that I knew that my life and the lives of my family was not safe anymore and when into hiding. On December 3,2020, my home in the Rehab community, same community where the President resides was visited by group of strange men identified as National Security Agency-NSA acting on the orders of Power, a former rebel general. Informing me that I was needed at his office at around 6pm. The officers claimed that I was needed because I had classified information in my possession. While insisting that I go with them by all means, an exchange of argument erupted, and the surroundings started to become crowed. So they agreed I showed up in the morning. On the morning of December 4th which was a Friday, I did show up with my attorney Mr. Cyrenus Abdullah. My Attorney. Pleaded that we needed 2 weeks to respond to the allegations levied against his client. I could not afford to retain the Attorney since I was not working again. From that moment, I ran away to the interior part of Liberia and would come to town under serious disguise to see my family. It was there I spent most of my time before fleeing to Canada.”

“On June 17,2022 I fell sick and was taken to Jackson Doe Memorial hospital, a referral hospital in the Rural part of Liberia, specifically Nimba County which borders Grand Gedeh County, in the southeastern part of Liberia. While taking treatment after being diagnosed of Chronic kidney disease, the Superintendent of Grand Gedeh county, Hon. Kai Farley, who is also believed to an assassin of government operating in the South Eastern region, entered my room, walked close to me and said ” my pekin” meaning, small boy I will set record on you. We have been looking for you for a very long time . I will kill you tonight put my name on your death certificate as the cause of death. That very afternoon I got help from one Alphonso, who was a driver working at the hospital to escape. I had to flee again not considering that the kidney issue that was pronounced to me was also life threatening, but I had come face to face with death at that moment and it was the second time. While my family was seeking refuge at a friend’s place whose now in the United States of America.”

“In July of 2022, I began taking over the counter pills to calm my kidney situation because I could not openly go to major hospitals in the city knowing my Boss lady to be the Minister of health and the fear of being recognized. On the 8th of August 2022, I finally decided to leave for Ghana where I sought refuge and began dialysis treatment at the Korle-bu teaching hospital. As time went by it became glaring to me that I couldn’t continue to stay in Ghana as life became too hard and unbearable, especially paying around 150.00cedis on dialysis every week excluding other medications.”

“I could no longer bear living on hand outs and literally begging just for survival. On the 6 of October 2022, I made my way back to Liberia. Meanwhile, my family had moved back to SD cooper road. By this time, I was secretly going to Fidelity Hospital in Sinkor to do my dialysis sessions Mondays and Thursdays taking all necessary precautions. There was no job and no income to sustain my family and I couple with payment for dialysis. Thanks to my Dear friend and Brother, Mr. Emmanuel Randall who became my life after returning to Liberia. Life was beginning to pick up with me until the night of April 14 2023 during the heap of the rainy season in Liberia when I heard loud knock on my door. Trying to peep through the window, I saw men with cutlasses and pistols. Very frightened, I made my way to the ceiling. After the rain subsided. The men left, I hurriedly came down and made my way again from the community with my wife and two kids. As God would have it, our doors were braced will steel plates. Had it not been so, my life and the lives of my family would have been gone by now. This was the third major attack on me and my family.”

“ I couldn’t mentioned the rest of these attacks because of time. I am therefore appealing to the Canadian government to kindly grant me refugee status and reunite me with my family of three. My wife and two daughters.” Terry Reeves, an escapee from Liberia narrates.

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