“Mere Posturing & Grandstanding”, John Morlu Describes Boakai’s Assets Recovery Taskforce

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“Mere Posturing & Grandstanding”, John Morlu Describes Boakai’s Assets Recovery Taskforce

IPNEWS: Former Auditor-General of Liberia, John Morlu says Cllr. Edwin Kla Martin, Alexander Cuffy and others selected by President Boakai on the Asset Recovery Taskforce lack the integrity, education, exposure, and competence to lead the fight against stolen assets.

Recently, President Joseph Boakai issued Executive Order No. 126 establishing the Office of Assets Recovery and constituted the Assets Recovery and Property Retrieval Core Team headed by Cllr. Martin to locate, recover and retrieve public resources and properties in the country.

But sharply landing his thoughts on the President’s selectees via his official Facebook Page Sunday, March 10, 2024, Mr. Morlu said corruption control requires solid and sustained action, not political grandstanding embellished in deceit and hypocrisy.

He stressed that the Executive Order to establish an Asset Recovery Taskforce from the very beginning is a mere posturing on the part of President Boakai intended to pump air in the space for the sole purpose of getting some crumbs from the International Community to support his Government.

According to him, a Kla Martin, whom he described as a follower of Cllr. Sayma Cephus, former NPFL rebel, refused visas multiple times by the United States and listed in the Internal Audit Agency’s Report for corruption at LACC, cannot be the messiah to recover stolen wealth scatter not only in Liberia but in America, Europe, Asia and other parts of Africa.

Commenting on Alex Cuffy who is a member and Special Advisor to the team, the ex-Auditor-General said in GAC’s RIA report, Mr. Cuffy was accused of multiple corruption at the FIU as such; he lacks the morals to lead the fight.

At the same time, Mr. Morlu noted that President Joseph Nyuma Boakai is walking former President Weah’s walk, which will yield the same results, adding that asset recovery should not be merely restricted to Weah’s six years but should go far back to the very existence of the country.

“Corruption control requires solid and sustained action, not political grandstanding embellished in deceit and hypocrisy. The Executive Order to establish an Asset Recovery Taskforce from the very beginning is a mere posturing on the part of JNB intended to pump air in the space for the sole purpose of getting some crumps from the International Community to support his Government. Same tactics applied by Weah with Elton deal, meant to attract Bretton Wood. A Kla Martin, a protégé of Cephus, former NPFL rebel, refused visas multiple times by USA, and listed in the IAA’s Report for corruption at LACC, cannot be the messiah to recover stolen wealth scatter not only in Liberia but in America, Europe, Asia and other parts of Africa. A Cuffy, in GAC’s RIA report, accused of multiple corruptions at the FIU, a no messiah either. A Jackson with his hand stained in Bong County Development Funds, cannot be a messiah in this fight.  They don’t have the integrity, education, exposure, and competence to lead this fight.  You cannot set up a serious team for the mere purpose of meeting job satisfaction, lacking competence, experience, education, and exposure.”

“JNB is walking Weah’s walk, which will yield the same results. What happened to the little funds recovered by Cephus and Arthur Johnson? “

“Yes, Doe created the  Bureau of Reacquisition, purposing it  to identify the properties of former government officials that were executed after the 1980 coup.  This Bureau, along with Doe and his cronies, misappropriated money they collected and seized and divided propertied they purported to recover. Could VAMUMA House and Nancy Doe’s House be among properties recovered?”

“Assets Recovery is that gold mine that will lift Liberia into 200 years of existence, a potential to give Liberia the Coastal Highway, and several other road projects, end nightmare with electricity and pipe borne water, etc. Assets Recovery should not be merely restricted to Weah’s six years. It should go far back to the very existence of this country. Like Doe’s group, Cephus/Arthur failed to show what financial benefit the government got from the assets. On a common issue that has impoverished Liberia for years, JNB chose to walk the same walk of Weah, Sirleaf, Taylor, and Doe.” Former Auditor-General John Morlu Talks though.

There has been no reaction from the office of President Joseph N. Boakai over this latest statement by an inner cycle of the UP Alliance.

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