Liberia: Rep. Smith Expresses Gratitude to Residents of Mont. District #2

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Liberia: Rep. Smith Expresses Gratitude to Residents of Mont. District #2

On Sunday, January 14, 2024, Montserrado County District #2 outgoing lawmaker Jimmy Smith, expressed his gratitude to residents of Montserrado County’s District #2 as he graciously bows out of the post.

In his final message to the district’s residents, Rep. Smith thanked the people for the privilege given him to serve as their representative describing it “an amazing legacy of his life.” He used the opportunity to consider some of his many accomplishments both in his constituency and at the legislature, as well as his numerous international representations made on behalf of the country’s citizens.

Rep. Smith, who is also a security expert, served as one of the two Vice Presidents at the Network of African Parliamentarians On Defense, Security and Intelligence Committee. Because he is no longer a lawmaker, he has to relinquish the post. The post will be assumed by the person to be appointed in the 55th Legislature of Liberia but will only be a member of the network not Vice President because a position of such is subject to election by member states.

The Network of African Parliamentarians on Defense, Security and Intelligence Committee oversees continental security matters in Africa and is comprised of members of the Defense and Security Committees from various African parliaments.

At the same time, the accomplished Liberian security expert disclosed that there’s going to be another great loss regarding the turnover of his post as Chairperson of the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF). Rep. Smith explained that following his visit to Israel in 2021, religious leaders, particularly pastors, have had two pilgrimages to the Holy Land within the last two years as the result of his lobby, emphasizing the importance of his participation at the IAF as Chairman-Liberia Chapter. Rep. Smith, however, noted that the post will be transferred to another legislator not necessarily from district #2. This expected legislator must be a member of the 55th Legislature and he or she must be a Christian.

Even though the award-winning legislator expressed discomfort over his premature departure from the national legislature, he, however, boasted about his massive developmental activities in almost every community within his district. Smith, who is also a humanitarian, highlighted the construction of a modern district office in Jacob’s Town, the renovation and expansion of Jacob Town, Mount Barclay, Kpanwin and Kpelleh town markets, the construction of a modern annex at the Johnsonville Public School, the construction of the longest modern footpath bridge in Montserrado County valued at over US$40,000 between the Christian Community and Neezoe, the provision of over L$16 million Liberian dollars to different women organizations across the district; the provision of scholarships to 110 students prior to his ascendency in 2018 and over 500 students at the Monrovia Vocational Training Center and Golden Age Impart Liberia during his tenure.

In the area of lawmaking, he detailed on his resourceful inputs during plenary debates that led to the amendments of several national instruments, while at the same time arguing that he’s the first representative of electoral district #2, Montserrado County, to present two bills as one has already passed in the House of Representatives and is currently before the Senate for concurrence.

He stated that it was through his lobby effort with the Executive that led to the construction of roads specifically Nicklay Town to Rehab Market, St. Francis Community, and Johnsonville Roads.

Rep. Smith used the occasion to express gratitude to the late Minister of Public Works, Mr. Mabutu F. Nyanpan, for the cooperation in paving the Johnsonville roads. These roads stretch from Pipeline Turning Point to Ma-Kollie Hill, from Central Johnsonville to Dry Rice Market, and from Central Johnsonville to Mount Barclay. The pavements got completed as a result of repeated pressure on relevant authorities.


Two bills were presented, one of which is currently awaiting Senate approval after passing the House of Representatives. The goal is to create a Technical Vocational College in the Township of Johnsonville, District #2. To gain budgetary independence, the second measure aims to detach the MVTC from the Ministry of Youths and Sports and establish it as an independent entity.


Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) Act of 1999 to 2021

Representative Jimmy Smith, a member of the Judiciary Committee, championed the removal of the provisions that devalued Liberian Dollar currency, mutilated notes, and the CBL’s ability to determine the face value of a mutilated note known as ‘tear-tear’. Even when the cash is torn or disfigured, its full-face value is recovered, returning all torn or mutilated money to its original worth.

Drafted the LRA New Revenue Code for value-added tax (VAT), a new code for revenue generation restricted to only education and health.

Amended provisions of the Alien and Nationality Law as one of the members of the conference committee, representing the House of Representatives.

Throughout his stay in the House of Representatives, Rep. Smith served as Chairman on National Defense, a Ranking Member on National Security, a Ranking Member, House Committee on Judiciary and a Member, House Committee on Contracts and Monopoly.

Foreign Representations:

Having been elected by members of other African parliaments in Abuja, Rep. Smith was the Third Vice President for Anglophone countries serving on the executive board of the Network of African Parliamentarians on Defense, Security and Intelligence.

Smith, who was the immediate past Chairman of the House Committee on Defense, called for more focus to be placed on the security sector and also revealed that the George Weah Administration failed in maintaining law and order.

He maintained that he was very consistent in his lobby for the completion of the unfinished government-funded public school in Jacob Town noting that it was one of his unfortunate political liabilities. He further stated that the George Weah-led Administration willfully refused or failed to complete the Jacob Town public of school in-spite of the many outcries from him and the people of the district.

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