Massive Citizens Joy Greets JNB & JKK Inauguration

Diaspora News

Massive Citizens Joy Greets JNB & JKK Inauguration

IPNEWS: Liberian from all walks of life early Monday morning, January 22,2024 began to troop into the ground of the Capitol building to witness the peaceful transfer of power from President George Weah to Ambassador Joseph Numah Boakai who won the November 14 Run-off Election in 2023.

Liberian especially Unity Party partisan was seen in the usual green and white t-shirts and face caps singing and dancing revolutionary songs.

In an exclusive interview with Madam Korpo Kollie, a Liberian based in the U.S.A currently visiting for the inauguration said its time for the new Administration to unite the country due to October 2023, heated Election that have shown a divided nation.

She said the obligation is now upon the shoulders of Ambassador Boakai to set a direction for a better and united Liberia.

According to her its time the new Administration to unite the country for an inclusive government by bringing on board people from all parties.

Another young Man who spoke with the IPNEWS said the new Administration to help put the issues of drugs under control because many Liberians are dying on a daily basis.

Ben Mullah added that the Youths are very important to any nation and it’s time that Joseph Numah Boakai and Jeremiah Kpan Koung put the interest of the young people.

He said if the country must remain peaceful the issues of Youths empowerment need to be taken care of by the new Administration by doing that Liberia will get international recognition. By Taisiah Merfee



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