NAYMOTE Calls Accountability, And Transparency @ 55th Legislature Ahead Speakership Election

Diaspora News

NAYMOTE Calls Accountability, And Transparency @ 55th Legislature Ahead Speakership Election

IPNEWS: NAYMOTE Partners for Democratic Development is calling on the incoming 55th Legislature to champion principles of accountability, transparency, and responsiveness in national governance, especially in serving the needs and expectations of the Liberian people.

In a release issued over the weekend, NAYMOTE said the legislature must be responsible enough to hold the Executive Branch accountable, diligently monitoring executive functions, maintaining a balance of power, and steadfastly defending the interests of the people.

The Civil Society Organization stressed it has closely monitored the performance of the 54th Legislature from January 2018 to January 2023, disclosing that a deficiency in oversight functions, resulting in lack of transparency and openness in executive activities was highlighted.

According to the pro-democracy group, the Legislature has failed to hold the Executive Branch of the Liberian government accountable for many of its actions and inactions.

NAYMOTE said its observation revealed the absence of budget performance reports, non-submission of reports from ministries, agencies, and commissions to the legislature.

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