Musa Dean’s Confirmation Suffers Setback

Diaspora News

Musa Dean’s Confirmation Suffers Setback

IPNEWS: Supreme Court of Liberia has halted confirmation hearing of Associate Justice-designate, Cllr. Frank Musa Dean following a writ of prohibition filed against said confirmation by lawyers of the Unity Party

Our judicial correspondent said the high court’s decision was triggered by a writ of prohibition prayed for by the Unity Party against the confirmation of Cllr. Dean – current Justice Minister following a request by Associate Justice Joseph Nagbe for early retirement.

On December 21, 2023, Cllr. Nagbe officially communicated with the Chief Justice of Liberia, Sie-A-Nyene Yuoh that he needed an early retirement from the Supreme Court bench due to poor health.

The stay order was issued Wednesday, January 3, 2023 on the Liberian Senate through its President Jewel Howard Taylor and President Pro-tempore, Albert Chie and the entire leadership of the body.

The Unity Party lawyers argued that President Weah should not be doing such a crucial nomination especially on December 26, 2023, indicating about 26 days to the inauguration of President-Elect Joseph Boakai to replace an Associate Justice who retired early.

The party’s legal team stressed that while it is true Article 54(C) of the 1986 Liberian Constitution grants the President the authority to nominate and with the consent of the Senate appoint Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia, but said nomination is untimely.

Meanwhile, the legal representation of the Liberian Senate and Cllr. Frank Musa Dean are required to file their returns on the 8TH of January 2024 for onward hearing.

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