PERSPECTIVE: Integrity as the Fulcrum for the Social and Economic Transformation of Liberia:

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PERSPECTIVE: Integrity as the Fulcrum for the Social and Economic Transformation of Liberia:

By: Austin S. Fallah-US-based Liberian Professional

Liberia, once envisaged as a promised land for formerly enslaved people, has grappled with pervasive societal and economic problems that have kept it in an unending cycle of despair and poverty (Naiman, 2015).

This essay argues that the much-needed transformation of Liberia pivots on the people of integrity who have the capacity and the will to deliver Liberia and Liberians out of its current debilitating state. While honesty is a crucial virtue, the manifestation of integrity may be the ultimate salvation for the troubled country.

To comprehend the weight of these assertions, one needs to understand the endemic problems plaguing Liberia.

International Monetary Fund Report (2020) highlights Liberia’s worrying economic indicators, such as high unemployment, inflation, and poverty.

Notably, these problems do not exist in a vacuum; they are facilitated by pervasive corruption, bad governance, and a lack of integrity at different societal levels (Transparency International, 2019).

Integrity, broadly defined as firm adherence to moral and ethical principles, is essential in policy-making, implementation, and governance. It is a notch higher than honesty as it involves moral judgment and consistency in doing what is right.

Therefore, it is people of integrity, acting in their personal and professional capacities, who have the potential to turn Liberia’s fortunes around.

A person of integrity will not embezzle public funds for development projects, leading to better resource allocation to address Liberia’s imploding unemployment and poverty rates. Instead, they will strive to abide by moral principles and implement policies framed democratically, thereby engendering a more equitable and just society.

Furthermore, integrity drives accountability and transparency in governance, two factors critical in the fight against corruption.

According to Transparency International (2019), Liberia ranked 137th out of 180 in perceived corruption index.

This disturbing statistic underscores the need for leaders and the citizenry guided by principles of integrity and transparency.

The practical implementation of these principles will result in more responsibly managed local and national economies and aid in the hastening of Liberia’s much-needed social and economic progress.

The importance of integrity in steering Liberia away from its financial crisis is boldly punctuated by historical precedence.

A case in point is Botswana, a country that transformed from one of the poorest in the world to an upper-middle-income country. It did so mainly through integrity in governance and resource management.

In conclusion, as a call to transformative action, the citizens of Liberia should prioritize integrity as a cardinal virtue and guide in selecting leaders and, in general, societal engagement.

Those of integrity are best placed to lead Liberia to the much-desired restoration of social and economic prosperity.

Honesty is, without a doubt, a commendable virtue, but it is the sustained manifestation of integrity that will deliver Liberia and Liberians from its financial impasse.

Any society without honesty at its front row is doomed, but a society led by people of integrity stays and progressively thrives, just like the story of the phoenix.

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