Breaking News! Gloria Scott, Three Others Guilty in Charloe Musu’s death

Crime Watch

Breaking News! Gloria Scott, Three Others Guilty in Charloe Musu’s death

IPNEWS:Criminal Court “A” has handed down a guilty verdict for Former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musa Scott and three for Murder, criminal conspiracy, and providing false information to state security in the death of Charloe Musu.

11 of the 12 jurors rendered guilty verdict.

Meanwhile, the legal team of the former Chief Justice has taken an appeal to the Supreme Court.

Legal experts tell IPNEWS that the number of years to be sentenced is expected to be finalized following a review of any criminal record of Cllr. Scott and the other family members.

Last week, Justice in Chamber, Cllr. Jamesetta Howard-Wolokolie, granted the Writ of Certiorari filed by the legal team of Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott in the ongoing murder trial against Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie and the prosecution.

The Writ was granted on Monday, December 11, 2023, by Justice In Chamber Wolokolie, mandating the lower court of Judge Willie to allow the subpoenaed witnesses to testify. The Chambers Justice ruled that it is the defendants’ right to produce pieces of evidence that exonerate them.

Supreme Court has mandated Judge Roosevelt Willie (pictured) to honor the request of Gloria Scott’s legal team

Those included to testify are the Monrovia City Cooperation Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee, Mohammed Keita, Varlee Telleh, and others. Also, the wife of Telleh, to testify to the proposed phone number registered in Varlee Telleh’s name and used by her and calls made to a number which also called Moses Wright, one of the guards who were assigned on the compound of Justice Scott before, during, and after the incident.

Wright will also testify why he changed his phone on the morning of February 23, 2023, the very day after the incident, while Orange GSM Company will produce and testify to the call logs of all  Koijee’s Orange numbers from February 20-24, 2023.

Wright’s Orange numbers from February 20-24, 2023, and Mohammed Keita’s Orange numbers from February 20-24, 2023, and Lonestar GSM Company will produce and testify to the call logs of all of Mayor Jefferson Koijee’s Lonestar numbers from February 20-24, 2023.

The Supreme Court has mandated the lower court to bring in Mayor Koijee to testify in the Charloe Musu murder trial

The Writ of Certiorari was filed late Wednesday evening, December 6, 2023, by the defense immediately after Judge Willie denied their application to allow their subpoena witnesses to take the witness stand.

Judge Willie denied the defense application and pointed out that after the testimony of defense subpoena witness Varlee Telleh, they had not shown any documentary evidence or by witness testimony that Mohammed Keita with whom Jefferson Koijee communicated was part and parcel at the event that night of the incident, adding there were no documentary or oral evidence that was presented in Court.

The defense in a ten-count petition  before the Justice in Chamber prayed for the issuance of the Writ of Certiorari directing the respondents (Judge Willie) to grant the application to have named individuals subpoenaed to testify.

The petitioners contended that denials of the subpoena requested from Judge Willie, deprived them of the opportunity for adequate representation, and the right to provide evidence on their behalf.

Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott (right) is accused of murdering Charloe Musu (left)

According to the defense, a staff of the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC), Varlee Telleh was subpoenaed to testify to numbers submitted by him to the Liberia National Police (LNP) during the criminal investigation regarding the murder of Charloe Musu. On the witness stand, the witness testified that the mobile number is being used by him, and the mobile number is registered in his name, but used by his wife.

The defense said witness Telleh’s testimony that the mobile number is being used by his wife, petitioners prayed the court to have the wife of witness Telleh subpoenaed to testify to the mentioned number, particularly to a call made to cell number 112001407 between the period February 20, 2023, to February 24, 2023, and the relationship between Mrs. Telleh and the person to whom the calls were made.

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