‘No Lifting of Moratorium on Bong County’, House Descends on Internal Affairs Minister

Diaspora News

‘No Lifting of Moratorium on Bong County’, House Descends on Internal Affairs Minister

IPNEWS: Members of the House of Representatives Reject Internal Affairs Minister’s Request to Lift Moratorium on Bong County Accounts

In a decisive move during Wednesday’s session, members of the House of Representatives firmly rejected the request from the Minister of Internal Affairs to lift the moratorium placed on the Bong County Development and Social Development Accounts.

The Internal Affairs Minister had appealed to the Plenary through the representatives’ offices, seeking the removal of the moratorium imposed in 2019 following an audit conducted by the General Auditing Agency (GAC). The GAC’s audit, completed since then, had raised concerns about the setup of the County Council.

However, the rejection by the Honorable House was grounded in the fact that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had not yet reported on the matter. Additionally, members highlighted that the initiation of the moratorium had been at the behest of the Bong County legislative caucus.

This decision underscores the importance placed on due process and committee evaluations in matters of financial governance.

The House remains committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in the management of public funds.

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