US Pres. JB Congratulates Liberia’s Pres-elect JB

Diaspora News

US Pres. JB Congratulates Liberia’s Pres-elect JB

IPNEWS – The President of the most powerful nation on the face of the planet, Earth, Mr. Joseph R. Biden, has sent a message of congratulations to the President-elect of Liberia, Mr. Joseph Nyuma Boakai.

Interestingly both men have the same first names and their last names start with the same alphabet, hence both are “JB’s”. Both men are in the same age bracket with US JB being 81 and Liberia’s JB, 78. Another very interesting similarity about both elderly statesmen is that they both served as Vice Presidents to former Presidents, who served for their constitutional two terms of their respective nations.

President Biden was Vice President to President Barack Obama while President-elect Boakai was Vice President to Africa’s first democratically elected female President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Oh, and both lost the Presidential Election on their first attempts in their respective nations and won on their second trials. Very interesting again: when they won their respective election, they made those they beat, one-term Presidents. Biden defeated Donald Trump while Boakai defeated George Manneh Weah. However, both men had lost to these same men in their first attempts at their countries’ presidencies.

In his congratulatory message, the United States of the America’s President, Biden said, “I congratulate Joseph Boakai on his election to be the next president of Liberia.”

President Biden also took time to praise the West African nation’s electoral processes that ushered in President-elect Boakai.

“These free and fair elections and presidential runoff demonstrated Liberians’ commitment to making their voices heard through the ballot box, and I look forward to working together to continue deepening the ties between our nations and people in the years ahead.”

Presidents Weah and Biden in a selfie apparently taken by President Weah

The US President then commended incumbent Liberian President George Manneh Weah, too, for “respecting the will of the people.”

“I also want to commend President Weah for respecting the will of the people, and putting patriotism above politics.  As we discussed at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit last year, the peaceful transition of power is a threshold liberty of democracy.

According the US President, while Liberians exercised their constitutional right, they also set “a clear example for West African sub-region.

“The people of Liberia have exercised their constitutional right and demonstrated the power of that truth. And they have set a clear example for West Africa and the entire world.  Democracy is a powerful tool for progress, and democracies can deliver for our people.”

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