MPC-Simeon Freeman Congratulates Joseph N.  Baoakai;  Calls on Pres.  Weah To Ensure Smooth Transition

Diaspora News

MPC-Simeon Freeman Congratulates Joseph N.  Baoakai;  Calls on Pres.  Weah To Ensure Smooth Transition

IPNEWS:  The Standard Bearer of the Movement for Progressive Change, Simeon Freeman has hailed the victory of the Unity Party under the stewardship of Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai. 

The MPC views the victory by Ambassador Boakai as not only for the Unity Party but victory for Liberia’s forward march for national development through industrialization.

A release from the MPC political leader Simeon Freeman reminds Ambassador Boakai and the Unity of the greater need for national reconciliation and not mere politics.
Mr. Freeman further lauds Ambassador Boakai for the courage to challenge the incumbent who is an international celebrity that is love by many.
Freeman noted that the MPC has learned a lot after the 2023 elections and is more energized to ensure Liberia’s democracy is on track and the people of the country becomes the greatest beneficiary of the nation’s wealth-promising that the MPC will within the few days make a national policy statement to usher in the new leadership of the country which would serve as a catalyst to genuine reconciliation and national Development.

Importantly, the MPC congratulated President George Manneh Weah for
conceding defeat which sets a path for national advancement, especially
sustainability the democratic credentials of the country coming out of three consecutive elections.

The MPC calls on the outgoing government to ensure a smooth transition of civilian power as contained in the conceding message by President George Manneh Weah.

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