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— As CPP Endorses CDC, ALCOP Switches to UP

IPNEWS: In an apparent shadow of testimonial ghost over memories of the prosecution of Alexander B. Cummings in the controversial ‘framework tempering case’  when former Vice President Joseph N. Baokai served as state witness in May 2022, is still alive and played a major part in the National Executive Committee of the Collaborating Political Parties’ (CPP) decision to today Friday, November 3 formally endorse their support for the Coalition for Democratic Change-CDC ahead of the runoff election slated for November 14, 2023.

While a statement from the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) laid out the condition for any endorsement of the two parties in the runoff, it seems that events of the Joseph Boakai’s testimonial at the Criminal Court in the marathon Framework tempering case might just have a major decision breaking point for today’s much anticipated CDC endorsement.

Last week, the CPP announced the setting up of a Committee of Five to discuss with the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the Unity Party (UP) on the conditions for their support, stressing that the object of those discussions was to get commitments from the two parties for the incorporation and implementation of important elements, which the CPP believes to be critical for the much-needed improvements in the governance of our country and the lives of all Liberians.

CPP stated that it refuses to offer blind support without any reasonable commitments to change from the two parties, especially by refuting any intend to impose its will on any political leader or party Ho. Alexander B. Cummings.

The CPP stated that it simply asked the runoff parties to make change a real obligation, and not just a political slogan which might be against an unusual practice in Liberia, but CPP offers no apologies to anyone for the audacity they have to believe in real change. And so, CPP thanks the two parties for engaging its EC in these discussions.

“The CPP Executive Committee has reported that it had meaningful engagements and discussions with both parties We thank both parties for their willingness to discuss these matters of critical national concerns.  The CPP Executive Committee made the ultimate decision of which party to endorse in the 2nd round. The CPP is a democratic institution and as such, the overwhelming majority decision is final. The Statement of Endorsement will be delivered by the CPP EC. However, I have asked the parties, and they have agreed to allow me to not take a side.  Among several important reasons, we believe this will afford the balanced perspective needed to continue to engage, as the CPP has demanded that I do, with all of our political, religious, traditional and other national leaders, including with Liberians of all political, social and economic standing.”

 “As we know, it is difficult to engage meaningfully and constructively if one is perceived to be politically biased or prejudiced. Furthermore, I am hopeful that this position will help our country, both in the short and long term, to work for the unity and reconciliation of all of our people and leaders, especially after a contentious election that threatens to further divide our people. Not personally choosing a side will also help in a more effective engagement with our international partners.”

 “There is also the concern that while we will not legally object to moving ahead with the runoff as announced, we have informed the NEC, and have yet to receive a reply, concerning our request to undertake an investigation, including a forensic examination of the ballot papers. While this is still pending, we do not feel justified to proceed as if we did not personally sign the communication to the NEC along with two other presidential candidates. While this is ongoing, I cannot, at the same time, appear to take a side in the runoff which is the outcome of the first round of elections we’re still hopeful of investigating.”

 “Finally, my fellow Liberians: We should not all agree on everything. But we must never disagree to keep our country safe and peaceful. Elections are inherently divisive. But on the other side is a nation we must remain faithful to and committed to building. The road ahead is going to be tough. Change is hard. But like they say, change is the only constant in the lives of people. We must never give up on trying to change. We must never lose hope in the possibility of change.” Alexander B. Cummings- CPP statement read.

On the flipside, opposition Unity party on Thursday, November 2, 2023, received another huge endorsement from the opposition community, particularly the All-Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP).

ALCOP is headed by its Standard bearer Mr. Lusinee F. Kamara Sr.

The elaborate endorsement ceremony which was held at ALCOP Campaign office on the Japanese Freeway, brought together huge turnout from ALCOP, UP as well as sympathizers and we’ll wisher.

Officially reading the endorsement statement, ALCOP standard bearer Mr. Louisiana Kamara said their decision to support the Unity party is based on the National roadmaps the party has developed for Liberia.

” We are excited and happy to endorse the Rescue Mission headed by Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai. We believe from our conversation with the both candidates in the run-off that he has all it takes to change, develop and transform Liberia. Now, I’m calling on everyone from ALCOP to go all-out campaign and ensure that we make him President to rescue our country ” Mr. Kamara urged.

According to him, after the October 10, Election they had the opportunity to visit the two Presidential candidates that makes it to the run-off among them, Amb. Joseph N.Boakia stands tall.

Kamara said President Weah had not been able to properly Manage the state of affairs of the country something that shaft his attention to the former Vice President Joseph Bokioa in the upcoming November 14, 2023 run-off Election.

He said President Weah cannot manage the Country for next Six years something that need the attention of all Liberian through the ballot box.

The Liberian former Minister of Finance believe supporting Amb. Boakai will bring the needful results and change that the Liberian people are crying for.

Meanwhile, responding to the endorsement in an excitement tone, opposition Unity Party Standard bearer Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai thanked Mr. Kamara and the entire ALCOP partisan and leadership for the endorsement of the Rescue Mission.

“We assemble here on this historic day to witness a noble and patriotic move that will embolden our effort to RESCUE this nation from the depths of degradation to which the current wasteful and corrupt conglomeration of incompetent and nonchalant characters have pushed it” Amb. Boakai noted.

According to him, they come together to coalesce their efforts, bind energies, and get all hands-on deck to salvage and restore what the past devastating six years of misrule have left of the nation.

” I should spare no time therefore to stretch my arms in warm embrace and humble acceptance of your historic ENDORSEMENT of the tenets, precepts and concept of the RESCUE MISSION as heralded by your fraternal Unity Party” he noted.

Accordingly, Amb. Boakai added saying as” I rise to accept this notably nationalistic endorsement, let me forewarn you that this undertaking is no easy one. The resolve on the other side of the isle to keep this country under the sway of malfeasance, thievery, and total mismanagement is no less strong. Let us thus brace ourselves, not allowing anything to take us unawares.

He pointed out that wielding the adage of THINK LIBERIA, LOVE LIBERIA, and BUILD LIBERIA, they gather to close ranks on a task so germane to the forward march of Liberia, adding that the significance of the occasion thus defies any underestimation.

” By your decision, I stand so moved that I can bear witness that I see ahead a brighter future, a future filled with the air of healing and restoration. I can see a future of inclusion, wherein the children of Christians and Muslims, and of the various ethnic groups, working together harmoniously for the development of this nation” he concluded.

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