Diaspora News


By: Austin Fallah

In an impassioned appeal that resounds with purpose, Austin S. Fallah, a steadfast proponent of Liberia’s economic resurgence, is calling upon Liberians to transcend the shadow of economic adversity and seize their rightful destiny.

This compelling message arrives as Liberia anticipates the decisive runoff elections scheduled for November 14, 2023.

In a phone chat with reports student Austin Fallah said, “Liberia is in an “Unprecedented Economic Turmoil” and that over the past six years, the Liberian populace has been ensnared in an unyielding whirlwind of economic turmoil, courtesy of what Mr. Fallah characterizes as “economic hyenas.” He emphasizes that this moment calls for a comprehensive transformation of leadership and an opportunity for redemption.

A Clear Path Forward: In striking contrast to the initial twenty candidates who contended in the October 10, 2023, elections, Liberians now confront a discernible choice.

The field has narrowed down to two contenders, unequivocally revealing the optimal candidate for the task at hand.

The Hamline Student said “The Beacon of Hope, Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, poised to steer Liberia towards a brighter future, stands as the symbol of hope in a nation beleaguered by economic adversity, where economic predators have feasted upon the nation’s prospects.

The Master of Study of law student described as A Vision of Prosperity and Boakai’s leadership promises a Liberia characterized by prosperity, comprehensive social and economic advancement, national security, and unwavering commitment to human rights, particularly for marginalized communities, including women and children.

Speaking to reporters through his mobile device at the Humbert Humprey Airport in Minnesota, just before his departure to the State of Rhode Island in the United States to join his fellow alums at the 2023 University of Liberia Alumni Association in the Americas convention, Mr. Fallah emphasized that Liberia’s socio-economic destiny now rests firmly in the hands of its people.

He cautioned that a return to power by the economic hyenas and socio-economic exploiters would only hasten the nation’s descent from economic hardship to inevitable ruin.

Time to Pull the Plug: Mr. Fallah left no room for ambiguity when he declared that the time has come to break free from George Weah and his regime of economic exploiters.

Liberians have endured economic sacrifices and tirelessly administered CPR to the ailing government for six arduous years, but to no avail.

Their life support was persistently denied by the financial exploiter, George Weah.

International Support for Redemption: Now situated in the United States, Mr. Fallah issued a resounding global call, urging compassionate Liberians both at home and abroad to unite in their support for Ambassador Boakai.

Together, they will usher in a new era of substantive development, elevate the nation out of poverty, and ensure that George Weah and his cohort of economic and human rights violators face justice through the Liberian legal system.

The Message is Clear: Liberia now stands on the brink of transformation, and it is time to cast aside the chains of economic desolation.

Fallah stated that Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai and Senator Jeremiah Koung offer the nation a ray of hope, an opportunity to break free from the clutches of economic predators, and a vision of a prosperous future.

The decision now rests in the hands of every Liberian who breathes the air of this nation, he told the assembled journalists.

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