Unity Party’s Dangerous Path to Power through Criminal Backing

Diaspora News

Unity Party’s Dangerous Path to Power through Criminal Backing

A PERSPECTIVE BY:ย  By Wlemongar Krangarย 

IPNEWS:ย  The admission by Roland Lafayette Giddings a strong partisan of Liberia’s Unity Party, that they are open to accepting donations from a known criminal, Stanton Witherspoon, casts a dark shadow over the credibility of the party as it vies for state power in the upcoming October 10 polls.ย 

This shocking revelation, made on a social media talk show โ€œThe Closing Argumentโ€ on Wednesday, September 27th, raises serious concerns about the party’s integrity, values, and commitment to upholding the law.

How low can the Unity Party fall? Is there no moral backbone or people of integrity left there?

Accepting donations from a criminal facing a long jail term for fraud in the US blatantly undermines the very essence of democracy and good governance.

It raises questions about the moral compass and ethical standards of the Unity Party’s leadership, challenging the party’s claim to stand for the interests of the Liberian people. This association with criminal elements displays a lack of judgment and fosters an atmosphere of corruption that could seep into the fabric of governance.


This is another example of the Unity Party’s ongoing dance with devils and the addition of a criminal character.

Furthermore, the Unity Party’s history during its 12-year rule is marred by allegations of corruption and mismanagement.

Mr. Joseph N. Boakai was Vice President of the same Unity Party for which he wants to now be President.

The party failed to adequately address rampant corruption within its ranks and allowed it to fester, tarnishing the nation’s development prospects and disenchanting the Liberian populace.

The designation of the Unity Party as corrupt during its time in power serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of aligning with a party that has demonstrated a willingness to overlook ethical standards in the past.

Liberians cannot afford to align themselves with a party that shows a blatant disregard for ethics and a willingness to associate with criminal elements. The citizens must exerciseย extreme caution and choose leaders who embody transparency, accountability, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of the nation.

Indicted Stanton Witherspoon


The Unity Party’s flirtation with criminal funding of Stanton Witherspoon and a former warlord Senator Prince Y. Johnson, who is accused of heinous crimes during the war, highlight a worrisome trajectory that should serve as a wakeup call for all Liberians.

We urge Liberians here to avoid any association with a party that compromises the nation’s integrity and prospects.

Liberia criminal said Deserves Better!

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