Stanton Witherspoon on Time Bomb- Narrowly Escapes Federal Imprisonment, But….

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Stanton Witherspoon on Time Bomb- Narrowly Escapes Federal Imprisonment, But….

IPNEWS: Controversial talk show host Stanton Witherspoon nabbed in an unprecedented wire fraud has reached an agreement with prosecutors from the Office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, to agree to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud for faced a maximum prison term of up to 20 years, and up to US$250,000 fine.

According to a dispatch from the United States, defendant Witherspoon has acknowledged and understands that the court will compute an advisory sentence under the Sentencing Guidelines and that the applicable guidelines will be determined by the court relying in part on the results of a Pre-Sentence Investigation by the court’s probation office.

The court’s probation office’s investigation will commence after the guilty plea has been entered. Mr. Witherspoon, according to the plea bargaining, is also aware that, under certain circumstances, the court may depart from the advisory sentencing guideline range that it has computed and may raise or lower that advisory sentence under the Sentencing Guidelines.

The statement from the U.S. District office of Florida states that in return, the United States agrees to dismiss the remaining counts of the indictment with respect to the defendant at the time of sentencing.

The U.S. says Mr. Witherspoon is aware that the sentence will be imposed by the court after considering the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Policy Statements.

In late 2022, Mr. Witherspoon relinquished his role as chief Executive Officer for a media conglomerate here in Liberia which runs an online Television and FM station following his indictment by the Office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida.

In a fourteen count, ‘PLEA AG REEM ENT’ reached by the Office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida by and through the government of the United States and STANTON WITHERSPOON, the district office noted in its entirety that Mr WITHERSPOON (defendant):

  1. The defendant agrees to plead guilty to Count 1 of the indictment in Case No.23- 60005-Cr-Smith which count charges the defendant with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1349.The United States agrees to dismiss the remaining counts of the indictment with respect to the defendant at the time of sentencing.
  2. The defendant is aware that the sentence will be imposed by the court after considering the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Policy Statements (hereinafter A sentencing Guidelines@). The defendant acknowledges and understands that the court will compute an advisory sentence under the Sentencing Guidelines and that the applicable guidelines will be! detained by the court relying in part on the results of a Pre-sentence Investigation by the court=s probation office, which investigation will commence after the guilty plea has been entered. The defendant is also aware that, under certain circumstances, the court may depart from the advisory sentencing guideline range that it has computed and may raise or lower that advisory sentence Case 0:23-cr-60005-RS Document 74 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/24/2023 Page 1 of 7 under the Sentencing Guidelines.
  3. The defendant is further aware and understands that the court is required to consider the advisory guideline range detinned under the Sentencing Guidelines but is not bound to impose that sentence; the court is permitted to tailor the ultimate sentence in light of others tattltory concems, and such sentence may be either more severe or lesss ever than the Sentencing Guidelines= advisory sentence. Knowing these facts, the defendant understands and acknowledges that the court has the authority to impose any sentence within and up to the statutory maximum authorized by 1aw for the offense identified in paragraph 1 and that the defendant may not withdraw the plea solely because of the sentence imposed. As to Count1of the indictment, the defendant also understands and acknowledges that the court may impose as tatutory maximum ten of imprisonment to for up to twenty years, to be followed by a three-year term of supervised release. ln addition to at imprisonment, the court may impose a fine of up to $250,000 or a fine not more than the greater of twice the gross gain or twice the gross loss from the offense.
  4. The defendant further understands and acknowledges that, in addition to any sentence imposed under paragraph 3 of this agreement, a special assessment in the amount of $100 will be imposed on the defendant. The defendant agrees that any special assessment imposed shall be paid at the time of sentencing. The defendant understands and acknowledges that because of this plea, the defendant will be excluded from Medicare, Medical, and Federal healthcare programs.
  5. Defendant agrees to complete and execute all necessary documents provided by any department ‘ or agency of the federal government, including but not limited to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, to effectuate this exclusion within 60 days of receiving the 2 Case 0:23-cr-60005-RS Document 74 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/24/2023 Page 2 of 7 documents. This exclusion will not affect the defendant’s application to apply for and receive benefits as a beneficiary under any Federal health care program, including Medicare and Medicaid.
  6. The Office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida (hereinafter A office@) reserves the right to inform the court and the probation office of 11 facts pertaining to the sentencing process, including relevant information concerning the offences committed, whether charged or not, as well as concerning the defendant and the defendant=s background. Subject only to the express in ten of any agreed-upon sentencing recommendation contained in this agreement, this Office further reserves the right to other recommendations as to the quality and quantity of punishment. The United States and the defendant agree that, although not binding on the probation of the court, they will jointly recommend that the court make the following findings and conclusions as to the sentence to be imposed: a. Base Offense Level: That under Section 2 B1.1(a)(1) of the Sentencing Guidelines, the base offence level is 7′, b. Amount of Loss: That under Section 2 B1.1(b)(1)(I) of the Sentencing Guidelines, the aggregate actual loss or intended loss resulting from the defendant=s conduct in the information is more than $3,500,000 and less than $9,500,000, c. Role in the Offense: The defendant’s role in this healthcare fraud scheme was aggravating, in that the defendant was an organizer and leader of a criminal activity, as contemplated by Section 3 B1.1(c); and Acceptance of Responsibility. That under Section 3 E 1.1of the Sentencing Guidelines, the Sentencing Guideline level applicable to the defendant=s offence should be reduced 3 Case 0:23-cr-60005-RS Document 74 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/24/2023 Page 3 of 7 by 3 levels based on the defendant=s recognition and affirmative and timely acceptance of personal responsibility. However, the United States will not be required to make this sentencing recommendation if the defendant;(1) fails or refuses to make 111, accurate and complete disclosure to the probation office of the circumstances surrounding the relevant offense conduct; SEE FULL DETAILS ‘PLEA AG REEM ENT’ ATTACHED



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