Breaking News: Liberty Party Expel Nyonblee, Dillion, Four Others

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Breaking News: Liberty Party Expel Nyonblee, Dillion, Four Others

IPNEWS:The Opposition Liberty Party, has expelled fromer embattled Political leader, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, and Montserrado county Senator Abraham Darius Dillion, and four others for conflict of interest.

In a communication dated July 14, Liberty National Chairman, Musa Hassan Bility, sent to the expelled former partisans, the Liberty Party accused its former political leader, Karnga-Lawrence for accepting the campaign chairman of another political party in contravention of the Liberty Party’s constitution.

The LP stated that Sen. Karnga-Lawrence acceptance of the position as chair for another opposition party clearly signified that she has gone against the mission and vision of the Liberty Party.

For Abraham Darius Dillion, Liberty Party stated that his acceptance of post of campaign chair for Montserrado county for the Unity Party which also signifies that he no longer align with the Liberty.

Others expelled are Liberty Party’s former National Chairman, Steve Zargo, and partisan Prince Toles, for accepting to contest on the Unity Party in Lofa, and Montserrado counties for Senatorial and Representative seats respectively.

As for Jacob Smith, he has been expelled for accepting the post of campaign Liaison officer for the opposition Unity Party.

Young energetic partisan Daniel Sando, is expelled for consistently promoting the Unity Party manifesto rather than the Liberty Party in contravention of the party’s constitution.

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