Stay Order in UP Rental Arrears Case Still in Full Swing

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Stay Order in UP Rental Arrears Case Still in Full Swing

By Jacqueline Dennis

IPNEWS-Monrovia: With claims and counter-claims surrounding the case involving the former governing Unity Party of Amb. Joseph Boakai and the McClain Enterprise, Inc. Chairman Dr. Fandolph McClain: on Monday, July 10, 2023, both parties appeared before Associates Justice Yarmie Quiqui Gbeisay based on the Stay Order filed against the Civil Law Court Judge J. Kennedy Peabody and the McClains came out with a new agreement.

Flashback Former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai and his running mate Nimba County Senator Jeremiah Koung for the October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections. The party is court for rental arrears.

According to the information gathered all parties involved met with Associates Justice Gbeisay and came out with a new agreement which will be finalized next week.

On Tuesday, July 4, 2023 Lawyers representing the Unity Party filed a Petition for the Writ of Prohibition at the Supreme Court of Liberia before Associate Justice Gbeisay presiding in Chamber who placed a Stay Order and urged Judge Peabody not to proceed with any action based on his ruling.

The Associate Justice, Gbeisay in that Stay Order also cited the Sixth Judicial Circuit Civil Law Court Judge Peabody and the McClains to appear on Monday, July 10, 2023.

It can be recalled that Judge Peabody ruled and said “if the Unity Party fails to comply with the ruling the Sheriff of the court is ordered to arrest the living bodies of the standard bearer of the Unity Party, along with the chairman of the Unity Party, the co-chairman of the Unity Party, the secretary general of the Unity Party and the Legal counsels and chairman on steering committee without notice to them and be brought before the court.”

According to him, if the Unity Party refuses to pay the amount, they will be incarcerated at the Monrovia Central Prison pending the satisfaction of the said judgment.

Rev. Luther Tarpeh – UP & Amos Tweh – UP Secretary General. Their is in court for rental arrears

He further that a petition for summary proceedings to recover possession of the real property was filed before the court on February 23, 2021, against Unity Party, Chairman, and all those in authority.

Judge Peabody said subsequently, the court ruled on November 23, 2021, holding Unity Party liable and ordered the Sheriff of the court to evict Unity Party and possess the petitioner and that Unity Party should pay an arrear rent of US$180,000.00 and US$20,000.000 for wrongfully withholding said property.

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