Tailor Union threatens to Drag Ministry of Labor to Court for Constitutional Breach

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Tailor Union threatens to Drag Ministry of Labor to Court for Constitutional Breach

The Board of Director of the Liberia National Tailors, Textiles, Garments and Allied Workers Union (LNTTGAWU) popularly known as the โ€œTailor Union” has threatened to drag the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Labour to National Labour Court for allegedly violating its by-laws and constitution.

The Ministry of Labour recently released their investigative finding into the report of alleged misappropriation and corruption by the Tailor Union President Mr. Edison Carlon based on funds given to the Union by partners and other organizations and individuals.

The Ministry of Labour probed Mr. Carlon based on complained he filed to the Ministry that he had been engaged into alleged corruption and misappropriation of funds.

In the report, the Ministry said that Mr. Carlon submitted relevant documents to the Ministry and it was established that he at no time he was involved into any financial corruption and misappropriation.

“You are hereby, mandated to reinstate Mr. Edison Carlon as President of the Tailor Union and return the organization to status quo ante. We have concluded investigation into the alleged act of corruption and misappropriation of entrusted property and we found him not guilty of all the alleged crimes” the report concluded.

But, the Board in response said that the reports audit was conducted without the acknowledgement of either the Executive Committee or the Board of Director of the Tailor Union.

The board termed the report as false and misleading and intended to undermine the authority of the Board of Director as enshrined in the By Laws and Construction of the Tailor Union, Article 17.

According to the Board of Director, the mandate by the Ministry of Labour through the office of the Deputy Minister for Manpower Planning and Human Resources Development to reinstate their suspended President Mr. Edison Carlon is a complete breach and interference of their constitution.

Addressing a major press conference over the weekend, the Secretary General of the Tailor Union Board of Director Mr. Mohammed S. B. Bah said that they categorically reject and defied the mandate of the Ministry of Labour ordering them to with immediate effect reinstate suspended President Carlon.

He stated that Mr. Carlon has deliberately refused to recognize and respect the authority of the Board of Director of the Tailor Union as provided for by the constitution by failing to submit his reports to the Board of Director.

According to Mr. Bah, the Board of Director of the Tailors Union is the highest decision making organ of the organization in the absence of a convention.

He pointed out that the Constitution gives the Board of Director the authority to approve all budgetary proposal, to appoint auditor or the Union in consider audited financial reports, alleging that all of such Constitutional provisions have been breach by Mr. Carlon.

โ€œLet us emphatically state that the Ministry of Labour, through the Minister for Manpower Planning and Human Resources Development, Madam Hannah M. Kargbo has chosen to interfere into the affairs of the Union. Madam Kargbo action is in violation of the International Labour Organization (ILO) convention number 87, Article 3.1″ he stated.

According to him, number 87, article 3.1 states that workers and employers organization shall have the right to draw up their constitution and rules to elect their representative in full freedom to organize their administration and activities and formulate programmes.

โ€œInstead of Mr. Carlon ensuring that the constitution of the Union is adhered to, he chose to go to the Ministry of Labor to shield himself. Mr. Carlon is yet to account for US$4,000.00 given to the Union by the Union of Liberian Association in the America (ULAA) for the production of nose masks. Also US$5,000.00 given by UNICEF for the production of nose masks is yet to be accounted for. Worst of all, Mr. Carlon had brought the Union to public disrepute by failing to acquire an office space for the Union” he stated.

Mr. Bah further indicated that it’s within such context that the constitution of Liberia gives right to all organization to craft their constitution or rules, provided it doesn’t conflict with the constitution of Liberia.

“Based upon that, we are prepare to challenge the decision of the Ministry of Labour at the National Labour court as we have already contacted our lawyers to ensure that the appropriate legal actions are instituted. We also want to send a caveat that the Ministry can’t run the day-to-day activities of the Tailor Union” Mr. Bah noted.

He disclosed that the Ministry also doesn’t have the right to impose any individual on the union and to sideline or ignore the constitutional provision of the Union. Mr. Bah added that this is unacceptable, illegal and is bent on encouraging the culture of impunity and brewing confusion and disharmony in the Union.

He maintained that therefore, the mandate from the Ministry of Labour to reinstate Mr. Carlon is rejected by the Board of Director of the Tailor Union. He described the action as a mere attempt to mislead Mr. Carlos and to encourage financial malpractices, administrative misconduct and breach of the Union Constitution.

โ€œThe Board of Director of the Tailor Union wants to clearly state that Mr. Carlon remain indefinitely suspended. And, we like to reaffirm that the appointment of Mr. Ezekiel S. Kamara, Sr. as the Acting President of the Union and still reposes the confidence in Mr. Kamara to take the Union to its convention” he concluded.

Meanwhile, speaking in an interview with suspended President Mr. Edison Carlon, he denied any misappropriation and corruption, adding that he was audited and found not guilty.ย 

โ€œMy brother, this is the third time that the board has suspended me and I always winning them at the Labor Ministry. What they said I did, I didn’t do it they were the ones that were found guilty and refused to cooperate. I was audited by the Ministry and set free. Now, all they need to do is to have me reinstated” he noted.

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