Weah Accepts Endorsement from Lawmakers for His 2nd Term Bid

Diaspora News

Weah Accepts Endorsement from Lawmakers for His 2nd Term Bid

IPNEWS: President George Manneh Weah on Tuesday, June 13, accepted the endorsement of at least 40 Liberian lawmakers, who had pledged their supports toward his second term bid for the presidency.

In his acceptance speech at his Coalition for Democratic Changeโ€™s party Headquarters in Congotown, President Weah told the 56 lawmakers, โ€œToday, I stand before you with profound gratitude and an unwavering belief in our shared vision, as I wholeheartedly accept your resounding endorsement and reaffirmation of my candidacy for re-election as the President of the Republic of Liberia.โ€

The names of the 46 Lawmakers signing the petition are:

Rep. Acarous Gray, Rep Isaac Roland,ย Rep Thomas Fallah, Rep Matthew Joe, Rep Julie Wiah, Rep Bishop Mannah Johnson, Rep Rosana Schaack, Rep Dixon Siebo, Rep Haja Fattah Siryon, Rep Joseph Sonwarbi, Rep Gonpue Kargon, Rep Finda Gborie Lassana, Deputy Speaker Fonati Koffa, Rep Matthew Zarzar, Rep Mary Kawor, Rep Mambu Sonnie, Rep Johnson Gwakolo, Rep Marvin Cole Rep Sampson Wiah, Rep Frank Saab Foko, Speaker Bhofal Chamber, Senator Glebo Brown, Senator Augustine Chea, Senator Numene Bartekwa, Senator Emmanuel Nuquay, Senator Morris Saytumah, Senator Simeon Taylor, Senator Zoe Emmanuel Pennue, Senator Marshall Dennis, Protemp Albert Chie, Rep Francis Young, Rep Dixon Seboe, Senator Edwin Snowe, Rep George Samah, Rep Emerson Kamara, Rep Edward Flomo, Rep Marimu Fofana, Rep Vicent Willie, Rep Tiberosa Tapoweth, Rep Ivar Jones, Rep Clarence Gahr, Rep Alfred Koiwood, Senator Joseph Jallah, and Rep Prince Tokpah.

Below is the other portion of the Presidentโ€™s Acceptance Speech

The fact that the entire membership of the Legislative Caucus of the Mighty Congress for Democratic Change, representing a significant percentage of the membership of the 54th Legislature of the Republic of Liberia, is standing behind my leadership and candidacy in the upcoming elections, fills me with immense pride. This endorsement is not just a seal of approval for our policies and programs; it is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the Liberian people.

To all the newcomers who have chosen to join our mighty Coalition for Democratic Change, I extend a warm welcome. The CDC is not merely a political party; it is a beacon of hope and progress for all Liberians. Within our ranks, there is space for every citizen, regardless of their party affiliation. Together, we will build a stronger and more prosperous Liberia.

Our accomplishments during my first term have been significant. We have transformed the face of our nation through infrastructure development, empowered our youth to become the driving force of change, and achieved economic stability that has positively impacted the lives of countless Liberians. These achievements are a testament to the resilience and determination of our people.

Let me assure you, my fellow compatriots that the upcoming elections will be nothing short of a shining example of democracy in action. As the great Nelson Mandela once said, “The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its citizens during the election process.” We are committed to upholding the democratic principles that underpin our Nation, and as I have repeatedly promised, my Government will ensure a free, fair, transparent, credible, and peaceful electoral process.


Let us now speak of victory with confidence and conviction. The opposition may try to impede our progress, but they shall not prevail.

Let me repeat:

The opposition may try to impede our progress, but they shall not prevail.

They will witness the strength and unity of the CDC as we march towards an overwhelming triumph. The Liberian people know that our unwavering dedication to their well-being sets us apart. While our opponents resort to empty promises and divisive tactics, we remain steadfast in our commitment to deliver tangible results that transform lives.

My fellow Liberians, as we approach the upcoming elections, rest assured that your voice will be heard. The will of the people is an unstoppable force, and together, we will shape the future of our great nation. Victory is not just within our grasp; it is inevitable.

Fellow Partisans, CDCians, WEAHcians, and Friends of the CDC:

I repeat, with confidence and conviction, and I want you to mark my words:

Victory is not just within our grasp; it is inevitable.

I am convinced that the Liberian electorate, wise and discerning, will make the right choice by returning us to office.

In closing, I express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and endorsement of my candidacy. Your trust and confidence in me and my family fuel our determination to continue serving you with the utmost dedication.

Together, we will forge ahead, driven by the unyielding spirit of progress and the belief that the change we offer is the Change You Can Count On, the Hope for Change that Liberians deserve.

May God bless you all, may God bless the Coalition for Democratic Change, and may God bless the Republic of Liberia.

Officials and members of the mighty Coalition of Democratic Change, fellow citizens, let us march forward to a resounding victory!

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