Richcares Foundation to Adopt Five Liberian Street Selling Kids

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Richcares Foundation to Adopt Five Liberian Street Selling Kids

— As CEO Prince Aloysius Dennis Promises Future of Hope for Liberian Kids

IPNEWS-Monrovia: A non-profit charity and humanitarian organization under the banner Richcares Foundation aimed at catering to underprivileged children and the less fortunate, particularly orphans, physically challenged, disadvantaged youth, through humanitarian assistance over the weekend identified five Liberian children for adaptation for better livelihood, education and mentorship.

The five Liberia children are to be adopted by U.S.A.-based Liberian, Prince Aloysius Dennis, who is well known by the name, “Richman.”

Prince Aloysius Dennis is the Chief Executive Officer of the “Richcares Foundation,” a humanitarian Organization with chapters in the United States of America and Liberia respectively, which identifies with underprivileged children and the less fortunate, particularly orphans, disables, disadvantaged, through humanitarian assistance.

The children, including four boys, one girl namely Elijah Kollie, age 1yr; Williams B.K. Sahr, 9yrs; Martha Kleme, 11yrs; Chris Zubah, 13yrs; and 18yrs old Oliver Norman.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with this paper, Mr. Prince Aloysius Dennis, alias Richman boasts of being blessed by God and feels purified to share the blessings with people in his home country, Liberia.

Richman, as he’s often refers to, revealed that he randomly met the kids with some selling at about 6 and 8 O’clock a.m. on the streets of Monrovia, and reached out to their respective parents and expressed interest in adopting the children with their parents’ consent.

“With the other kids who are walking around the streets of Monrovia, and I see them doing things that a normal kid, where I am from, cannot do; selling in the streets at 6’0 Clock in the morning, begging in the streets 8 0’clock in the morning. So some of them were just blessed that I randomly just met them and invited their parents over to my guest house, and I told them am going to adopt your kids. 

Like Chris, I saw Chris from up Hill, while he was selling by 6’0clock in the morning. Elijah, I met his Mom at the park, and she expressed the condition of her child. I met William Mom on my way from the Airport and she told me her story concerning her son and the struggle she going through. So Oliver I met on the internet stealing from people, scamming and doing all kinds of things, and then when I spoke with his Mom, she lives in a horrible condition so, all of them had a story. I had to take them, and see how best I can transform all of them,” Richman added.

According to him, prior to his visit to Liberia in May 2023, he had earlier promised himself to adopt children in Liberia before returning to the United States of America.

“I’m blessed, and so I am out here blessing people. I love kids but am not blessed with a lot of kids, so adopting kids in Liberia, giving them a future is the best thing in my life. As I am here to see the trend in these kids’ lives and how they will come up to become successful, I believe this will not go wasted and unnoticed,” he said.

Since meeting the children and their parents in May, Prince A. Dennis (Richman) is, at the moment, only providing basic human needs for the children who are still in with their biological parents.

He disclosed that discussions are ongoing with his legal counselor, as well as arrangements of all relevant documents required by law, and the construction of a modern Home, before he finally seals the legal adoption of the kids.

“We have not reached the legal aspect of it yet, we are making arrangements for that. I have talked with my legal counselor on the situation; we are still in line with our counsel and getting all of the necessary documents before we can get to the parents for the legal process.  But for now, that’s why they’re staying with their biological parents. The things we are doing right now is providing feeding, clothing’s and some basic human needs until we can get the legal process done.”

He concluded saying, “Before the legal process is done, we need to get a better living place for them because I can’t go sign a document and then in the end, the kids are still with the parents. So when we get the building erected, than we go to the legal aspect. Then if we sign the document today, it means tomorrow they’re all leaving their parents’ houses and coming to my house.”

Olive Norman is son to Susanna Moore (Mother), William B.K. Sahr, son to Patience Smith (Mother), Chris Zubah, son to Lovette Zubah (Mother), while Sando Massaley is the Mother of Elijah Kollie and Catherine Lawrence, mother of Martha Kleme.

Despite his charity organization objectives of caring for underprivileged children, Richman distanced the Foundation from supporting the five kids being adopted by him, and stated, “For the charity, we will be generating funds from NGOs to support charity but for my kids, the support is from my own pocket.”

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