UL Political Science Dept. Chair Joins LINU to Contest Mont. District #12 Rep. Seat


UL Political Science Dept. Chair Joins LINU to Contest Mont. District #12 Rep. Seat

–Tells Partisans He Comes with Commitment and Not Deception

By Taisiah K. Merfee

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The chairman of the Political Science Department of the University of Liberia and former Representative of Montserrado County District #12 in the 53th national Legislature on Friday told Officials, Supporters and well-wishers of the Liberian National Union (LINU) that he has come to his new political home with his whole Hart.

The district #12 Representatives hopeful said his decision to join the LINU is based on the party’s dream and vision to transform Liberia and their zest to see all Liberians living in a country where’s they will not go to bed hungry and in fear of their Life.

According to Richmond S. Anderson, since he resigned from the Liberty Party in 2017, he decided not to join any political party because many of the big parties are not in the interest of the people who always give them state power.

The University of Liberia Professor said for Montserrado County the party can count on him to lead its Montserrado Campaign Team that will bring the needed votes that will make them win the upcoming October 10 election.

Speaking about his plans for the people of his District, he said for the past five years the people of the district have not been represented at the Legislature only because they elected a man who does not seek the wellbeing of the district and its people.

The former Representative added that during his term there was structure put in place to direct the affairs of the district and its people but the current Lawmaker doesn’t care about the people and nationally they have been underrepresented.

“During my time I established a Development Council that was there to foster the development of the district and that helps us a lot that allows us to have many projects that the Citizens can now point to”.

He said his contribution to the education sector in not only in Liberia but internationally and to prove that he has written a book, it has been registered with the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., of which he was certificated. “So, the book has become an international book and it calls for celebration in Liberia by everyone,” Prof. Anderson said.

UL Political Science Dept. Chair Richmond Anderson and LINU political leader Dr Harry F. Moniba, Jr at the program

Out of millions of books, Prof. Anderson said his book was placed in eleventh place in the library and it has motivated him to publish more books.

He added that in the midst of enormous challenges at the University of Liberia, “we still have hope as Professors are being recognized internationally for their academic works,” Mr. Anderson noted.

Accepting the new member, LINU Standard Bearer, Dr. Clarence Moniba said when he wins the Liberian presidency in October this year, transforming Liberia into a modern and educated nation with the thriving economy will be his top priority which will require a progressive and holistic approach with strong leadership and an undeterred motivation to succeed.

“At 43, I represent the new generation of Liberians who insist that our nation can and must do better, I am one of the millions of voices demanding that we must better educate our youth, that we must better care for our sick, and that we must better train our workforce. 

I represent the millions of young voices who now stand prepared to lead a nation to its full potential; overcoming the status quo to ensure that this current generation of Liberians is the absolute last to suffer the indignities of sending their children to dirt floor classrooms; their sick to un-equipped hospitals; and their families to un-electrified and un-safe communities. 

“Being the oldest republic on the continent of Africa, yet having one of the youngest populations in the world, the growth of my country will only come through the fundamental change in the leaders we choose. 

There comes a time, in a country’s journey, where it reaches a crossroads: one of progress and true national development – or, one of continued poverty and the status quo of a near failed state. 

 For Liberia, that crossroad after 175 years of independence – is here and now! For there to be lasting progress, we can no longer elect the typical politician – where greed, incompetency and self-service is the norm. 

 I represent a generational and positive change, where I will prove that through a reformist agenda – accountability, competency, unbiased implementation of the rule of law, and the sustained development for the great people of Liberia – will be achieved,” Dr. Moniba stated.

He then welcomed Prof. Anderson and his supporters to what he calls “a new home where everyone is somebody.”

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