As EMPC Inducts New Leadership, Nagbe Calls For Collective Efforts To Address Challenges Facing The Liberian Media

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As EMPC Inducts New Leadership, Nagbe Calls For Collective Efforts To Address Challenges Facing The Liberian Media

By: Julius Konton

IPNEWS: The Executive Mansion Press Corps has officially inducted into office its second democratically elected leadership.

Those inducted into office include Godfred Badu Quansah, Chairman, Anthony Jiffan, Co. Chair, Alvin Worzi, Secretary General, Matthew Jacobs, Assistant Secretary General, Rachel G. Kollie, Financial Secretary General and Ojuku Kangar, Chaplain General respectively.

Installing the new core of officials into office was Akoi Baysah, Acting Secretary General of the Press Union of Liberia who urged the new leadership to see unity and professionalism as key to their administration.

Mr. Baysah who referred to the Press Union of Liberia’s ongoing legal battle said it is about time to resolve the issues within the Union in order to move the professional body forward, especially during such a crucial election period.

He also encourages the office of the Presidential Press Secretary to ensure that assigned reporters be given the space and necessary access including support in order to help enhance their reportorial duties.

Serving as Keynote Speaker at the program was the Commissioner General of the Liberia Maritime Authority Lenn Eugene Nagbe who called for collective efforts and a united front in order to resolve the issues within the sector.

“We are all to blame and we all need to fix it together”, he emphasized.

Financially, he indicated that the media is heavily challenged and there is a need for a round table discussion with the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) in order to help diagnose the problems within the Liberian media.

According to Mr. Nagbe if the problems in the media cannot be addressed, it will also have a greater effect on the larger society something he does not want to see happen.

” This visual circle has to be broken and I am sure we can fix it together”, he further indicated.

According to him, the issue of journalists’ welfare specifically salaries has been an old-age issue but it is now time to have it addressed.

“We all have to be blamed, the government, the business houses or private sector, and just everyone”, he maintained.

The former information Minister was also quick to encourage the office of the Presidential Press Secretary to give unhindered access to Executive Mansion Reporters to the Presidency in order for them to freely and professionally execute their respective duties.

“If there has been a hindrance to the coverage of the Presidency, then, it has to be untangled “, he emphasized.

At the same time, the Commissioner General warned Executive Mansion reporters to ensure that they are the mirror and watchdogs of society by professionally and independently reporting on issues and activities surrounding their assigned or beat to the public.

Also speaking at the program was the Presidential Press Secretary Isaac Solo Kelgbeh who reassured the new leadership of his office full willingness to work with them as was done with the previous administration.

He also informed the gathering that his office will always create the space and opportunity to ensure that Assigned Executive Mansion Reporters execute their respective reportorial duties unhindered and unharmed.

Mr. Kelgbeh additionally calls for more and proper cooperation and coordination among executive mansion reporters including the new leadership.

As for the Chairman of the Executive Mansion Press Corps, Godfred Badu Quansah, he called for unity and peace among his colleagues.

Chairman Quansah assured his colleagues that his leadership will collaborate, cooperate, and coordinate with the office of the Presidential Press Secretary in order to make sure that the focus of his members and leadership is achieved.

He named training, membership welfare, transparency and accountability, mature and responsible leadership as well as unity and due payments enforcement as key under his three years mandate.

Meanwhile, the induction of the second Democratically elected leader of the Executive Mansion Press Corps was graced by members of the media community, family members, and friends of the media.

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