Prince Johnson’s Party Expels 3 Members for Alleged Support to Ruling CDC

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Prince Johnson’s Party Expels 3 Members for Alleged Support to Ruling CDC

IPNEWS –The National Executive Committee of the Movement for Democracy & Reconstruction (MDR) through its Chairman appointed a Board of Inquiry to hear allegations of Constitutional. Violations by Senior partisans Wilfred N.J.S. Bangura, National Vice Chairman for Governmental Affairs MDR, Melvin L. Yealu, Secretary General MDR and Gonpu Kargon, Representative District # 4, Nimba County.

The Board of Inquiry accorded each of the accused partisans due process of law as required by MDR Constitution.

The investigation established that Article 14 (a) of MDR constitution was violated by partisans Wilfred NJS Bangurah, Vice Chairman for Inter-Governmental Affair of MDR; Partisan Melvin Yealu, Secreatry General MDR and Gonpu Kargon, Representative, Distrct #4, Nimba County.

Article 14 (a) of MDR Constitution says “No registered member of this party shall owe loyalty to another party or cause another member to pledge allegiance to another party. If any member of this party be found in supporting any party in any form or cause another partisan to pledge support to another party shall constitute a violation and punishable as may be required by law”.

Partisan Wilfred Bangura in his January 23, 2023 press conference which was reported on ELBC and Published in the January 24, 2023 edition of FrontPageAfrica newspaper, said “I stand with the president to ensure his re-election as president of Liberia and I will do everything legally, morally and political possible to ensure that president Weah is re-elected with a decisive mandate.”

Also, the investigation gathered evidence of Partisan Melvin Yealue support to president weah re-election bid. In fact, Melvin Yealu is the current Secretary General for the so call NIMBA FOR WEAH MOVEMENT which is against the interest of MDR in the ensuring elections.

Partisans Bangura and Yealu were seen wearing CDC paraphernalia on February 4, 2023 as supporters of president who have gathered to endorse his re-election bid.

The investigation established that Rep. Gonpu Kargon is canvassing the people of District# 4, Nimba County in support of the CDC candidate presidential bid against the interest of MDR in the ensuring election.

At the May 13, 2023 meeting convened by the Chairman of the Governing Council of MDR, in Ganta City, Rep. Kargon assured Senator Prince Johnson and the elders present that he supports the CDC Presidential Candidate against the interest of MDR.

Additionally, Partisans Banguara, Yealu and Kargon’s actions violated the following articles of MDR Constitution as well.

Article 12 e. Unauthorized commitment of the party to any deal; Article 12 a and b. Misrepresentation of the party image.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, Article 12 of MDR constitution says elected officers of MDR shall be expelled or impeached for the above cited violation.

On this note, the Inquiry Committee recommended that the membership of Partisans Wilfred Bangura, National Vice Chairman for Government Affairs, Melvin Yealu, National Secretary General and Hon. Gonpu Kargon be expelled from MDR.

Now therefore, the national executive committee of MDR unanimously voted in favour of the expulsion of Partisan Bangura, partisan Yealu and Partisn Kargon as members of MDR.

Anyone making business with these individuals in the name of MDR will be doing so to their disadvantage.

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