Grand Bassa residents celebrate Simeon Freeman for opening more feeder roads county

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Grand Bassa residents celebrate Simeon Freeman for opening more feeder roads county

By Edwin G. Genoway, Jr(231886458910)

IPNEWS: Residents of Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County are currently celebrating the Political Leader of the Movement for Progressive (MPC), Simeon Freeman for opening and reconditioning over 27 feeder roads in the capital city of Grand Bassa County.

Most of the roads that were reopened were closed to the public while residents saw it difficult to access their communities using vehicles and commercial motorbikes due to the inaccessibility of the roads.

Citizens of the County showered praises on the Political Leader of the Movement for Progressive Change Semion Freeman for the ongoing rehabilitation of the Roads in Buchanan and its environs.

The Citizens in separate remake said most of the road that is being rehabilitated by the MPC political leader had been closed for years, as such, opening these Roads is a great opportunity for them and their children.

The Town chief of Gunnigar town who spoke to a team of Journalists said over the last few years they had engaged the Ministry of PublicWorkk to help them open their road but to no avail, but with the coming of Mr.Freeman the Citizens can now celebrate.

Isaac Gunnigar

Isaac Gunnigar said the opening of the Roads in Buchanan City is a major boost for the Business community and even those who live in those communities and they should be to maintain the various Roads.

He said they saw the yellow machine working on other roads and he along with the community members engaged Mr. Freeman’s team through the supervisor and they were able to benefit from his good work,” we are happy about this Road Rehabilitation process.

Town Chief Gunnigar said the road that is been rehabilitated is leading to three major high schools, Vocational rehabilitation,n, and a Nursing school and they had been hoping to see their road open.

He said before the Rehabilitation Citizens normally used to walk in the grass to get to school and they usually passed through their Community members years before getting home or leaving home to work.

“We are very happy to see this kind of development from the office of the political leader of the Movement for Progressive Change and his family “.

Giving the overview of the Project the Chairman of the MontserradoCountyy Chapter of Movement for Progressive Change said his presence in Grand Bassa is a party mandate he had been there for weeks now to see what their Political Leader planned to do for the People of Buchanan are implemented.

According to Sam Passaway Said the current rehabilitation work that is currently taking place is put at a cost of US $21,000.000 and it is meant to open about 27 Roads in Buchanan and another part of the County.

Mr.Passaway said they spent US$750 per day and used 55 gallons of Fuel for the day this is worth appreciation and they had done 19 roads already and hoping to complete the rest of remaining eight Roads in the coming days.

He said the reaction from the Residents of Grand Bassa is very encouraging and they said this is the first time to see a political party through its leader taking such development.

At the same time,e a Community leader the Roads rehabilitation is a good development on the part of the MPC political leader which the people of Gunnigar town are welcoming.


Thomas Dickson said with the opening of the roads it will bring economic benefits to the people in these communities, especially Gunnigar town and this is the same community that the MPC political leader comes from.

He said by then it was very hard for Community dwellers to have access to the road but will this they will benefit from the road.

During the opening of the roads project in Grand Bassa County several Citizens turn out in celebrating the work, particularly the Youths, Women, elders,s and even Children.

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