Liberian Journalist Gives to Students at Kendeja Elementary School


Liberian Journalist Gives to Students at Kendeja Elementary School

By Taisiah K. Merfee

IPNEWS-Paynesville: A Liberian journalist, who is also the CEO of People’s Television on Wednesday April 19, 2023 donated Slippers worth over L$30,000 to students of the Kendeja Elementary School in Paynesville in celebration of her birthday.

Journalist Memie Smokie stressed the importance to always give back to society during special time one’s life, like a birthday celebration, indicating how happy she is to share with the children and students of the community.

Journalist Memie Smokie poses with students of the Kendeja Elementary School in Paynesville following her donation

She said as a Liberian who grew up in a Christian home she learned from her parents how to give and especially during your birthday and this is why she sees it important to share with the students of the school on her day.

Journalist Smokie noted her happiness as she shared with the children, adding this is something that she will always do as long she alive and will always be there for less fortunate people who are in need.

She said is not her first time celebrating her birthday with students and old folks and orphanage home in the Paynesville City, stating it always makes her happy during her birthday to share with people in need.

Journalist Memie Smokie poses with some staff and students of the Kendeja Elementary School in Paynesville following her donation

Commenting further journalist Smokie indicated that young people should follow her example by always helping the children in the various communities especially when the need arises.

She added that the donation to the students was made possible through her friends in and out of Liberia who sent her money but she decided to use money and buy gifts the children and students at Kendeja Elementary School.

The students greeted the Liberian journalist with smiles and jubilation singing birthday songs and prayed for her.

Speaking with team of journalists at the Kendeja Elementary School, the Principal of the School expressed happiness that a young woman gave such donation to the students on her birthday.

Journalist Memie Smokie poses with some staff and students of the Kendeja Elementary School in Paynesville following her donation

Madam Marthaline Brown said she was happy to see a young woman celebrating with her students something that need to be celebrated by all Liberians.

Madam Brown narrated that only few young people can do what the Liberian journalist did at her school by identifying with her students and she is asking God to always bless people of such character.

She added that the School and the Students are greatly appreciative for what Miss Smokie has done for the feature leaders of Liberia by providing Sports slippers for them on her birthday.

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