MacDonald Wento Surfaces For Joseph Boakai VP Random pick

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MacDonald Wento Surfaces For Joseph Boakai VP Random pick

IPNEWS: The authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper has gathered from unimpeachable sources within the former ruling Unity Party, that heat is building up for naming of the vice running mate to Joseoh N. Boakai.

Sources hint IPNEWS that Joseph Boikai might make a surprise pick by naming MacDonald A. Wento as his running mate this week.

The report comes amidst calls from youths of the Unity Party for the transitioning of the Party to the generation.

Former Vice President Joseph N. Boakai in contemplation

Last week, report emerged of plans to name popular take show host Henry P. Costa which has descended the UP into internal displeasure from some lift wing partisans.

MacDonald A. Wento is a Liberian entrepreneur and an international businessman with more than five major investment projects in Liberia. Mr. Wento has employed more than 4000 Liberians. He’s the former Standard Bearer of the United People’s Party (UPP).

JNB and Nyonblee

Wento hails from the Southeast, a region of Joseph Boikai’s two main rivals – incumbent President George Weah and Mr. Alexander B. Cummings.

Some Political pundits believe that Wento’s huge investment in the Southeast and his popularity with the locals might offset the strength of Weah & Cummings and give Boakai the advantage.

Others online up for the Vice Standard Bearer pick include Senator Nyonblee Karnga, of Grand Bassa and Senator Jeremiah Koung of Nimba County.


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