President Weah Bids Muslims Successful Ramadan, Imploring them To Pray for Peace and Stability


President Weah Bids Muslims Successful Ramadan, Imploring them To Pray for Peace and Stability

IPNEWS-Washington DC, USA:  President George Weah has congratulated Muslims in Liberia on the observance of the Holy Month of Ramadan 2023.

Ramadan is a month-long period of fast and prayer observed annually by Muslims, followers, and believers of the Islamic Faith.

In a statement issued Wednesday, March 23, 2023, President Weah expressed sentiments of joy that Muslims in Liberia were once more joining others globally to undertake what he calls “a significant religious obligation.”

Flashback: Liberian Muslims at a Prayer center at the end of Ramadan

“I congratulate and thank all of you for your moral and spiritual endurance, far-sightedness, and prayers being offered for the peace and stability of our country,” President Weah asserted.

The President said he would personally enjoin the Almighty Allah to hearken onto the prayers and supplications of Muslims to forgive their wrongdoings.

“It is my hope that you will pray for peace, stability, and genuine reconciliation in Liberia,” the President said, adding, “I pray too that every Liberian Muslim will be an instrument of peace, stability, and reconciliation in our common patrimony.”

President Weah noted that this year’s Ramadan comes at the time Liberians are preparing for what he called epochal Presidential and Legislative elections in October 2023 and pleaded with all Liberians and those residing in the bailiwicks of the Republic to put away violent acts and seek the path of peace with all fellow Liberians.

President George Weah – He wants Muslims pray for Liberia for peace and a reconciled country

“Regardless of your political and religious views, Liberia belongs to us all,” the Chief Executive asserted. “It is therefore expected that all of us will continue to work and pray for stability, peace, and genuine reconciliation for the development of Liberia.”

He also commended all Muslims for remaining law-abiding and patriotic over the years.

He beseeched them to continue to pray for peace and a reconciled Liberia that would bring about national development and social cohesion.

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