Pro-Temp Chie Calls On Liberians to Desist Violence & Seek Redress


Pro-Temp Chie Calls On Liberians to Desist Violence & Seek Redress

By: Jacqueline Lucia Dennis

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Albert Tugbe Chie has called on all Citizens throughout the length and breadth of Liberia to desist from all forms of violence and seek redress to their problems.

The Senate Pro Tempore made the call on Friday March 17, 2023 at the close of the sixth session of the Senate at the Capitol building on Capitol Hill in Monrovia to begin their Easter break which form part of first constituency break. They are expected to return in May 2023.

According to him, during the Sessions the Legislature passed on the 2023 National Budget at US$782,943,00.00 and just US$5 million higher than what was proposed by the Ministry of Finance and the government.

According to him, there where key areas for funding, including the 2023 Elections, Security, Health, Education, Infrastructures especially Road and Electricity.

He indicated among others things, that LISGIS has released its first preliminary results of the National Population Census and is expected to release the final result in May. He maintained that once the Legislature officially receives the final results they will be able to comply with the mandate of the constitution.

The Pro Tempore said while the Senate will have a committee to prepare and begin the process of sitting requires constituency threshold.

Moreover he said, they have received information from the President through the House of Representatives that he has vetoed six sessions for the proposed amendment to the new elections law.

According to him, the bill originated from the House of Representatives and has been returned to the Legislature through the House in line with the Constitution and the Senate will act on it once it receives it from the House.

He said during these sessions the Senate had public hearings on states security of the country, with focus on increased arm robbery, illegal importation of arms and ammunitions into country, narcotic drug trafficking, and violence around the country. But advised the security to be proactive, professional and make timely reports on investigation that they have on hand.

Pro-Temp Chie then assured Liberians that public hearings and meetings with security actors will continue upon their return from their Easter and Constituency break.

According to him, the Senate has been in constant touch with the National Elections Commission (NEC) with their committee holding meetings and other engagements with NEC to assess its preparedness to conduct the Presidential and Legislative elections in October 2023.

Concluding Pro-Temp Chie disclosed during their first segment of the sixth session, the Senate worked on numbers of instruments, including the agreement to boost economic product, empowerment of women, increased electricity generation, construction and rehabilitation of road and many others.

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