Ahead of October 2023 Election: Janjay Baikpeh Gets Overwhelming Grand Bassa District No. 2 Support

Diaspora News

Ahead of October 2023 Election: Janjay Baikpeh Gets Overwhelming Grand Bassa District No. 2 Support

IPNEWS: As preparation mounts among candidates across the country for a showdown ahead of the planned general Legislative and presidential elections, Grand Bassa County, District No. 2, Representative hopeful and current Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh, over the weekend took district No. 2 by storm with thousands turning out for another petition ceremony.

Of recent, various clans within district No. 2, added to the many for the election of Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh.

Now, over the weekend, citizens of Zuzohn Clan, and Somah Gee chiefdom, in district number two, Grand Bassa County, called on Superintendent Janjay Janjay Baikpeh, in a petition, called on Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh to contest the pending seat for District No. 2 in Grand Bassa County.

The cross-section of citizens in their petition to Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh, is based on the numerous initiatives he continues to carry out over the years without vying for a seat in the past.

They named the construction of a modern market and palava hut in waka town; the construction of a palava hut in Sendya, including the construction of a motorbike terminal on the civil compound, including the payment of the school-going kids at the Harriville public school in waka town, Marblee public school, on the civil compound, the Kpelleh town public school, Sendya school in Sendya town and the St. John River city public school, St. John City Grand Bassa County.

The cross-section of citizens also recounted the construction and rehabilitation of roads from Gbanai Town, to Gerneo, the provision of market laon to women of Garneo town, and waka town, amounting to LRD $400,000.00 and the provision of scholarships to sons and daughters of District No. 2, who are in search of higher education in LOIC, GBU, and various Junior and Senior high schools in Buchanan city.

“Based on these numerous initiatives that you have carried out and continue to undertake in District No. 2, we the youth, women, chiefs, elders, and the entire citizenry of Zuzohn Clan, Somah Gee Chiefdom, have overwhelmingly agreed to petition you Hon.  Janjay  Baikpeh, to contest the upcoming Legislative Elections comes October 10, 2023. “

“We will not only support you, but we will support the reelection of His Excellency President George Manneh Weah.” The citizen petition noted.

The cross-selection of district No. 2 citizens stated that their decision to petition Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh, as their candidate is predicated upon his numerous works done for the people of District No. 2, Grand Bassa county, and a due to the commitment by the current lawmaker to retire due to many years of service, that she had no further intention to run again.

They stated that they still respect the nomination by the current district Representative decision to recommend an alternative in person for Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh to replace her.

“Now, therefore, Hon. Janjay Baikpeh, our son, we have come to give you our fullest support so that you will have sufficient power and authority to do more work in the interest of your people. As we give you our words of commitment, we ask you to remember the following issues:

  1. We petition you to improve our health sector. Our District health sector needs to be revamped
  2. We needed a high school at the height of the district
  3. We need more farm-to-market roads
  4. More women empowerment
  5. Youth empowerment through vocational education

“We off our fervent prayers in this regard, as you embark on this journey to liberate your people.” The cross-section of citizens in District No. 2 Grand Bassa County read.

Prior to this petition, Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh had championed increased support for technical and vocational education and a center for use of youths in Grand Bassa county.

Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh had worked with the Ministry of Education and Public Works in the refurbishment of bad roads and broken bridges in Grand Bassa, including elevating the standard of the Community College which continue to hamper access to the schools, particularly during the rainy season.

“Grand Bassa County deserves more from this government;” “As I have always said, my leadership will not leave any part or community of Grand Bassa County underdeveloped. Every Liberian or every community deserves better, and Grand Bassa is just one of one.” Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh added.


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