FLY Wants Gov’t Lead Youth Development Campaign – Unveils Three-Year “Up to Us” Strategic Plan

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FLY Wants Gov’t Lead Youth Development Campaign – Unveils Three-Year “Up to Us” Strategic Plan

The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) is a broad-based, democratic, pluralistic, nongovernmental and nonpartisan youth organization established to advocate for and enhance the development of youth and students in Liberia.

FLY is the umbrella organization of youth and student in Liberia. It is charged with the responsibility of organizing and coordinating the activities of the youth population of Liberia.

To direct social change, wherever possible and necessary, into an active and creative channel for the betterment of mankind To organize the young people of Liberia into active youth service corps for the purposes stated; and to cooperate and work with other agencies and youth groups on national or international level with similar objectives.

In this regard, the Federation of Liberian Youth, under the historic leadership of its first female President Banica Stephenie Elliott, has officially launched its three-year strategic plan. The new plan, codenamed “Up to Us,” will display youth ownership and power in providing solutions to issues that threaten youth development.

President Elliott indicated that the plan is made up of suggestions from young people in political parties, social activism, and vulnerable and rural youth. “The future we want is up to us. That’s why the FLY we’re building over the next three years will be involved in every single issue concerning young people,” she emphasized.

The launch of the National Youth document, according to the FLY boss, is also to identify FLY’s path for tackling how it intends to answer the big questions young people ask themselves every day. “Our objectives are clear. Over the next three years, we will work at developing a comprehensive and coordinated national youth policy that promotes and protects the young people of Liberia. We will develop innovative strategies to engage and empower young people in the decision-making process, advocate for improved access to quality education and employment opportunities for all youth in Liberia,” she said.

Other focus areas in the plan include promoting youth leadership and capacity development initiatives, advocating for the protection of the rights of young people in Liberia, and eliminating gender-based violence in Liberia. According to her, these objectives speak to different pillars of her agenda and her leadership is ready to tackle them.

Speaking at the official launch of the plan, FLY’s President Elliott said her leadership will never rest in its quest to see a rebranded FLY that doesn’t see youth generally but in diversity. According to her, the new agenda is not only for the urban, educated youth but also for youth living in rural and urban communities, disadvantaged and vulnerable youth, youth with no training or education, and youth living in conflict zones.

Additionally, she stated that the plan will also focus on youth living with disabilities, youth affected by natural disasters, youth in the informal sector, as well as youth living in poverty. Others she pointed out are young people at risk of exploitation and abuse, youth in the diaspora, among others.

President Elliott stressed that FLY’s role is to ensure a coordinated youth sector, foster change, and ensure a sustainable future. “Let’s unite and take robust actions in maintaining youth peace and security before, during, and after these elections,” she urged the dominant population of the country, the young people.

She acknowledged that FLY has an image and trust problem, and her goal over the next three years is to work towards addressing such key challenges. “We want to reconstruct our relationship with partners and expand FLY membership to include every single youth organization in Liberia,” she added.

The launch of the three-year strategic plan, according to FLY’s head, is the first step and a new beginning to fix its past and look to a bigger and brighter future. She used the medium to call on all partners to look to FLY and support the movement. President Elliott indicated that government support needs a boost and challenged the Government of Liberia through FLY to lead a frank campaign for youth development.

Speaking directly to Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel D. Tweah, who was present at the occasion, President Banica urged Minister Tweah to institute a signature project for the over 3 million young people of Liberia. This, she noted, when fully implemented, will show veritable proof of the current government’s commitment to young people.

She reminded Minister Tweah that FLY submitted a proposal to his office for consideration under the National Budget. Among other things, the proposal highlighted the construction of a national youth center before the end of the current regime’s six years in office.

The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) is a broad-based, democratic, pluralistic, nongovernmental and nonpartisan youth organization established to advocate for and enhance the development of youth and students in Liberia.

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