In Chicken Soup Factory Community Alleged Murder Case – Defender Kaiser Takes Stand Friday

Crime Watch

In Chicken Soup Factory Community Alleged Murder Case – Defender Kaiser Takes Stand Friday

By Jacqueline L. Dennis

As Judge Roosevelt Willie of Criminal Court ‘A’ continued hearings into the Chicken Soup Factory community’s alleged murder trial before him, on Wednesday February 22, 2023, the prosecution rested with their oral and documentary evidence.

Defendant Valington Kaiser is therefore expected to take the witness stand on Friday February 24, 2023, in his own defense. He pleaded not guilty to the alleged Crime of Murder after the indictment was read to him by the Clerk of the Court.

It call be recalled on May 16, 2022 Fatu Blasuah lifeless body was found in a zinc shack, the deceased had earlier left her residents on May 15, 2022 to meet defendant Kaiser  and was found dead the next morning in the Chicken Soup Factory Community.

The case was called for hearing, and the defendant pleaded not guilty to the crime of murder. During the trial prosecution produced four Witnesses.

However one of prosecution witness Raffel A.B Wilson of the Liberia National Police also display a CCTV footage in the court room.

Within the footage  the defendant Kaiser  met  Fatu at 4:02  and the walked  side by side  headed  to the road direction,  after few hours  about  the CCTV footage capture them around 7:00   the deceased and the defendant where seen in the footage  headed towards the direction she came from earlier around 4:02 as they walked along they came to a zinc shack  at about 7:38 and the defendant  enter  after few seconds the deceased enter, the defendant came out side and look around and enter the same zinc shack  where he stay  for few minutes and came out  around 7:42 and left the deceased there.

Defendant Kaiser came out of the zinc shack with his T-shirts on his nick and he look around but did not see anybody and left the deceased there and when his way.

During the hearing  on Monday  February 20,2023, first  witness believe to be  the mother of Fatu( now deceased) Maima Sackie testified and told the court and jury  in tear that  she met the lifeless body of her daughter in a pool of blood.

Witness Sackie revealed in tear that when she got at the scene where the alleged killing of her daughter took place she enter the kitchen and met defendant and his Aunty, standing there, and  met her daughter in a pool of blood, with knife juke on her nick and her blood was all over the kitchen. And she told the defendant Valington that he is responsible for the death of her daughter.

During the hearing the state was represented by Cllr. Aloysius F.K. Allison, Jr. Cllr. Sumo C. Kutu -Akoi and Randolph Johnson, while the defense was also represented by the public defense office for Montserrado County Cllr.Jallah Zumo and Sennay Carlor.

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