Liberians Urge to Manage the Forest – Says Kansuah


Liberians Urge to Manage the Forest – Says Kansuah

The executive director and founder of the Institute for Environmental Protection, Mr. Kansualism B. Kansuah has called on all community dwellers in the country to manage and protect the forests.

He said the environment is challenged because our people lack the knowledge and as such the people who are cutting down trees in the forest should get into new technology in order to involve local production.

Speaking on Monday February 13, 2023 at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship in Sinkor during an environmental literacy training program. Kansuah noted that urgent attention needs to be placed on the environment in order to protect their aquatic environment.

He said the issues that affecting the environment is waste and as such waste has been the environmental problem, adding deforestation is one of threat in the country.

According to him, land degradation is taken place everywhere and as such EPA needs to create more awareness so that people will know the harm to the environment.

He said this program is organized by a group of organization and as such catalyst 2030 Liberia chapter is a non-governmental organization which aimed is to accelerate the implementation of the sexual Gender Violence (SGV).

He said the Bong University Graduates Association (BUGA) is partnering with the environmental protection agency noting that the essence of five day environmental literacy training program is to impact knowledge to the student so that they will address the issues on how the manage the environment.

On his part, the technical Advisor to the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mr. Benjamin Karmoh said every citizens in the country need to prioritize a clean and healthy environment.

He said the issues of training on how to protect and keep the environment clean is very dear to the work of the EPA and as such Environmental Protection Agency highly embraced the training and he hopes that this training will provide necessary information where they will serve as torch bearer in their communities.

Also  making remarks, the head of Catalyst 2030 Liberia  chapter, Mrs. Angela  Benson said the organization  is working together  in order to achieve the united nations sustainable development  goal.

She said Catalysts 2030 is still young and they are in the process of building membership and as such environment is part of the 17 sectors.

Madam Benson noted that the training program is to train young people so that they will know about their environment and to also protect the environment around them.

Adding between 2030, the Catalyst 2030 will look at child mortality rate by making sure they have healthy children.

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