Tyler’s LPDP Reaffirms Support for President Weah’s Re-election

Diaspora News

Tyler’s LPDP Reaffirms Support for President Weah’s Re-election

–As Party Sign New Framework Document

The three constituent parties of the Coalition for Democratic Change have reaffirmed their support for the re-election bid of President George Weah comes October.

The three parties comprising; the National Patriotic Party (NPP), the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), and the Liberia People’s Democratic Party (LPDP) on Wednesday renewed their framework document ahead of this year’s Presidential and Legislative elections.

The three members of the Coalition for Democratic Change that signed the new Coalition Framework Document, including Mulbah Morlue (1st from left, Congress for Democratic Change), Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor (Middle. National Patrotic Party) and Mr. Moses Kollie, Liberia People’s Democratic Party

It can be recalled, in 2017 the three parties signed a framework document, a decision that witnessed the election of President Weah as President of Liberia.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor said, the reaffirmation set the basis for all three parties to work as a way of giving President George Weah a first-round victory in the upcoming general elections.

Other folks who attended the Coalition Framework Document signing

Vice President Taylor then used the occasion to call on members of the Coalition to put aside their differences and work in the interest of the Liberia People.

Also speaking at the signing ceremony, LPDP National Chairman Moses Kollie reaffirmed his party’s support for the Coalition for Democratic Change and promised that his party will travel throughout the fifteen political subdivisions of the country to campaign for the re-election of President George Weah.

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