CSO Wants Commissioner Mohammed Fahnbulleh Dismissed

International News

CSO Wants Commissioner Mohammed Fahnbulleh Dismissed

By Jacqueline L. Dennis

Members of the Civil Society Organizations of Liberia (CSOL) on Wednesday February 8, 2023, called on President George Weah to dismiss Commissioner Mohammed Fahnbulleh of the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INHCR) indicating that he (Fahnbulleh) lacks the basic understanding of the Commission.

The Chairperson of the National Civil Society Council of Liberia, Loretta Pope Kai, in a written communication said the CSOL will officially give the president a communication for the dismissal of Fahnbulleh.

She said Fahnbulleh does not have the expertise when it comes to human rights issues, pointing out that he (Fahnbulleh) is not qualified to serve in that position. She added that he needs to step down from his position as a Commissioner.

Moreover the chairperson of the Investigative Committee, Margaret M. Nigba also indicated that the investigation findings established that Commissioner Fahnbulleh interacted with the victim.

According to her, at the time of the investigation, Commissioner Fahnbulleh admitted to the committee that he danced with the victim and even showed video of evidence showing the interaction before them that they are surprised that Commissioner Fahnbulleh will come to the public and denied.

She further explained that Nigba recommended to the Commission to establish a gender desk at the INCHR that will allow females to file complaint at any time they feel violated.

According to some of the women at the INCHR who right has been violated and abused but based on the  atmosphere they are not able to come up to express themselves.

She pointed out that there are female Commissioners who supposed to protect the interest of another female, but they are there joining and making statements against their fellow female at the commission.

However, in response, Commissioner Fahnbulleh, said that the findings was done to salient him on the issue of corruption and other things.

He claimed that he (Fahnbulleh) did not admit to any judgment, and he did not had the opportunity to meet the people. They have asked him to respond.

“There is nowhere in that video that I was  smoking bone, there is nowhere in that video that I touched the woman, I was not dancing with the woman, she came to dance with me and she also confessed to the LNBA and AFELL that she wanted to set me up,” he maintained.

Adding that, “I was the one who complained this lady and she apologized and begged me, but as soon as I turned my back, they went to the media and said that I sexually harassed her.”

According to him, the investigative report they came out with he admitted it’s misleading and false, adding that the finding the Committee came out with he had no chance to meet his accuser.

He maintained that the law required that there should be due process and the person that has been accused must meet the accuser, and that was not done.

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