CDC Paints Monrovia Blue

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CDC Paints Monrovia Blue

-Petitions Weah for Second Term Bid

IPNEWS: Partisans, supporters, sympathizers of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change yesterday took the streets of Monrovia in total celebration and jubilation as they march on the Antoinette Tubman Stadium with the sole purpose to giving their standard bearer and President, George Manneh Weah seeks a second term mandate to contest in the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections.

Pres. Weah, Clar Weah and Pro Tempore’ Albert Chie

The principle streets turned blue, the official color of the ruling establishment, despite the event which could not allowed free movement of people within the city circle, some sub political divisions of the country were in engaged in similar act by gathering at their respective county’s capitals to petition the president for the second term presidential bid.

The CDC is the conglomeration of three parties include; Weah’s Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), the Liberian People Democratic Party (LPDP) of former House Speaker Alex Tyler and the National Patriotic Party (NPP) of Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor.

Partisans of CDC in jubilation in the Sinkor suburb towards the ATS

However, Mulbah K. Morlu, Chairman of the Coalition for Democratic Change refuted allegations that the Coalition was on the brink of collapse when he presented a renomination document to President Weah to seek a second term on behalf of the Coalition.

“Mr. President, we have come to let as a coalition to let you know that your people (the three parties making up the Coalition) have agreed in unison and have declared that there is no vacancy for the Presidency in October 2023,” he said.

“With this document, they have come in one word to assure you of your continuity on the ticket to secure another six years.”

Partisans of CDC in jubilation in the Sinkor suburb towards the ATS

The LPDP represented by its National Chairman Moses Y. Kollie, meanwhile, raised the motion for the president to be renominated, which was seconded by the NPP’s Jewel Howard Taylor, who’s also the vice president.

President Weah in his acceptance speech said he needs additional six years to complete what he has started as a president, urging his supporters not to listen to members of the opposition whose aims he said are to blackmail him despite the achievements he has recorded over the past six years.

Partisans of CDC in jubilation in the Sinkor suburb towards the ATS

“Don’t listen to them. They say because you are following me you don’t know anything, even though some of you who are behind me went to school and got degrees, some of you are lawyers, some you get Master’s degrees, but they still say because you following me you don’t know anything,” he said.

“They like it, they don’t like it, it’s 12 years.” Let me ask you this question, since they say you don’t know anything because you following me, 6+6 is how much,” he asked the crowd, the crowd then responded, “12”, and he received applause.

Pres. Weah and entourage walking at the ATS

However, Chairman Morlu Sunday afternoon And I wish I could call each of you one by one, but that’s not possible due to the fact that you’re a multitude, hundreds of thousands of gallant men & women who worked hard to ensure H.E. George M. Weah’s Nomination remains the BIGGEST PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PROGRAM EVER HELD IN LIBERIA.

Partisans of CDC in jubilation in the Sinkor suburb towards the ATS

On behalf of the Chairman of the Nominating Program Committee Hon. Thomas P. Fallah, I say thank you to everyone that contributed to the success of yesterday’s program.

What you accomplished yesterday demonstrated the POWER of a resilient & determined people who will let nothing stand in the way of CHANGE; yes, a visible CHANGE, which must be continued & strengthened under the stewardship of H.E. George M. Weah.

I say thank you to you all because, ‘You Came Outside’ Yesterday in your hundreds of thousands & you kept the entire Central Monrovia locked down, including ATS; which was filled to overflowing as almost all adjoining streets overflowed with members, supporters & sympathizers of the CDC & its illustrious leader.

Women, Business Men & Women, Pen-Pen Riders, students, civil servants, fishermen & Cyber Warriors.

Thank you Mr. President, Your Excellency George M. Weah, for the support. We remain grateful & humble under your wise leadership.

Above all, we give Praises and Honor  to the Lord God Almighty for blessing the success of the just ended program.

Nevertheless, this achievement must not slow us down to complacency, but ought to inspire us to accelerate the growing momentum & work harder.

And it begins with VOTERS REGISTRATION, get ready for internal discussions & preparations.

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