“Do Your Job Is All I Ask” – Chief Justice Yuoh Tells Judiciary Staffers


“Do Your Job Is All I Ask” – Chief Justice Yuoh Tells Judiciary Staffers

By: Jacqueline L. Dennis

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Yuoh of the Supreme Court of Liberia on Friday February 3, 2023, called on staffers at that branch of government to do their job. “This is the team for the short time I’m here, do your job is all I asked, but if you are not doing your job, you and I will have serious problems. Let get a new image of the Judiciary and I stand upon that” she said.

Justice Yuoh, made the statement on the grounds of the Temple of Justice at induction ceremony of a newly elected officers of the Judiciary Staff Association (JSA) 5th Annual general meeting.

Justices Yuoh congratulated the newly elected leadership and encouraged them to go one step further, indicating that the outgoing president Cllr. Daryl Ambrose Nmah has brought them to that level and they should not remain at that level but go further, and let the staff Association of the  judiciary do more than making “ourselves just into social club.”

Justice Yuoh said one of the things that she has observed is that some staffs in certain offices are doing nothing, but  maintained that she is not going to take bread from anybody mouth. “I not going to take people out of jobs but find something to do, nobody should be too big to do a piece of job,”  she stated.

Also speaking at the program, the new president Alice Sheriff who previously served as the Vice President to the past leadership of the Judiciary Staff Association told her fellow members that five years ago Cllr. Nmah had a vision of establishing the Association to seek the social and economic welfares of its members. She disclosed since then that the membership has increased from 100 to almost 1,000 members currently.

According to her, during their stay in office they will extend theirs services to capacity building and empowerment among others, creating opportunity and personal development.

She said as members of the Judiciary, they have a duty to preserve the rule of law and the most importantly fight for good governance, adding that they all have an important role to play by ensuring better public governance.

On his part, the outgoing president Cllr. Ambrose Nmah wished the new president Sheriff and her team well and success as she continues from where he stopped. He at the same time turned all authority and the reports that bear the reflection of the Judiciary Staffers Association.

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