Diaspora News


The recent claims and counterclaims about former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai’s illness speak loudly about the deep-rooted political division amongst us as a people.

It was glaring that one side of the political divide, mainly supporters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led Administration, wanted the former Vice President’s poor health to continually deteriorate to an extent that would have incapacitated him or taken his life only because they perceive him as a potential threat to their political interest ahead of this year’s Legislative and Presidential Elections on October 10, 2023.

For the other side or partisans of the Unity Party, that he belongs to, they were on bended knees praying for his recuperation because they too were protecting their political interests.

Some of the comments and debates that ensued between the two sides of the political divide mainly on the social media and radio talk shows to a large extent exacerbated the animosity amongst followers and sympathizers of both sides.

To put it fairly and squarely, partisans and supporters of the opposition bloc, or Unity Partisans, would have also wished or prayed for the worst to happen had it been President George Weah who was unwell because they, too, perceive him as a threat to their political interests.

Ironically, during the recent national soccer tournament, all of us, irrespective of our ethnicity, religions and political parties, celebrated in oneness as we cheered our respective counties to victory.

We all fell and enjoyed that spirit of national unity no matter which side you were on.

This is why we must not allow politics to divide us as a people and nation, ‘united we stand, divided we fall.’

While we do not support, nor oppose either side of the political divide, let all of us as Liberians understand that sickness or any misfortune is not for one person.

Anyone, no matter who you are, which political party you belong to, or which politician you support, sickness and death are inevitable except you are not a living being.

Wishing for the worst thing to happen to your fellow man out of envy, animosity and greed is evil and inhumane. Life is unpredictable! This is why no one knows tomorrow.

Let us cultivate a positive mindset for our country and fellow citizens irrespective of which tribe, religion and political party one belongs. This is why we must not allow politics to divide us.

United we stand, divided we fall; because it is in unity success is sure.

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