JNB Lands in US: Gone in “Sick Bush” or on Political Mission?


JNB Lands in US: Gone in “Sick Bush” or on Political Mission?

IPNEWS- Former Vice President Nyumah Boakai early Sunday, January 22, morning, arrived in the US on a trip that has sparked mixed reactions from those opposing his presidential ambition and his supporters.

At least three days before he left Liberia, President George Manneh Weah’s aide, Sekou K. Damaro, posted without directly mentioning the Vice President by name: “He will be leaving for treatment tomorrow, let’s pray for him!”

That post of Sekou got hit over 500 times and the reactions were mixed, with some even advising against politicizing the health of an ailing person. Notably among those who urged non-politicizing the health of someone was Cllr. Lafayette B Gould Sr., who wrote: “Your stop politicizing people’s health aye. Anybody can be strong today, and falls tomorrow.”

Of course, as was probably expected, Sekou retorted, Lafayette B Gould Sr. if you were not my friend, I was going tell you something that you forever remember. What is political about my post?”

The Presidential Aide didn’t stop there with his somewhat direct post on the person of the former Vice President, who is now the potential challenger of Sekou’s boss, President Weah.

When apparently, his post about Veep Boakai going for treatment was being denied by supporters of the former ruling Unity Party’s standard bearer, Sekou again posted on Friday, January 20, “The old people say the belly can’t go in the back. I’m wishing him well, while he’s departing to the USA for his treatment.” This post got hit over 900 times. Again, with the same mixed reactions.

On the same Friday, Sekou made at least four posts in association with the former Vice President’s ailing health. In two of the posts, he even alleged that President Weah gave the former Vice President US$75,000 to help foot the medical bill in the US.

“Thanks, boss for playing a significant role in his departure. We are in prayer with the family.”

Again, he was bashed for such post especially being an official of the Liberian government.

Liberian Journalist Charles Yates wrote: “This is childish of you and your boss … You don’t help people and announce it. It is against both Islam and Christianity. I am not sure if you and your boss know the act of doing good or the doctrine of helping people… Sad!” Sekou wasted no time in firing back: Charles B. Yates, stop smoking weed.”

With all these mixed reactions from those for, against and non-position, Ambassador Boakai, who served for 12 years as Vice President to former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, arrived did in fact land in the US on Sunday morning, according to social media postings from some of his US-based supporters.

What’s His US Mission? ‘Sick Bush’? or Politics?

It’s not fully clear why the former Vice President is indeed in the US for at this time. Maybe in the coming days, the main reason for the trip would be disclosed.

However, one of the former Veep’s US-based supporters, Mr. Sirr Vallai posted: “JNB arrived in New York City this morning at the John F. Kennedy International Airport at about 5:30 EST. He will begin holding talks with top Unity Party executives, party members, community leaders, U.S partners as well as political supporters and well-wishers in continuation of his moral pursuit of the 2023 presidential elections.

“While in America, the Unity Party Standard Bearer is expected to hold town hall meetings and attend public and private events with Liberians in the diaspora as part of his plans to solicit their support for the pending October polls.”

In pictures that showed his arrival while he is still at the airport, the former Vice President can be seen in high spirit as he shared pleasantries with his supporters, one of whom is known critic of the Weah-led Administration and talk-show host, Henry Pedro Costa.

Costa was recently in Liberia but had to cut his stay in Liberia short in order to return to the US. Some have speculated, he had to do so, to go ahead of the former Vice President to await him as he had been one of those US-based Liberians, who have been a notable part of the former Veep’s entourage of late.

UP’s Own Release on the Trip

The UP in a press release said, “The Unity Party Strongman is expected to begin catching up with his itinerary to achieve the objective of his visit to the United States. He reiterated that his mission to rescue Liberia is well on course, and that no amount of propaganda against him will succeed. He said those who believe in the Unity Party and its manifestos are on the right track to deal with the mountains of problems in the country. Speaking on arrival in New York, the Former Vice President told Liberians back home and abroad not to be deceived by those who are plundering the resources of the motherland. Meanwhile, the Unity Party Standard Bearer has termed as nonsense and irresponsible claims made by those around President Weah that he received money from the Government.”

Joe Boakai Was Hospitalized

Before this US trip, the former Vice President got ill and had to be taken to the Eternal Love Wining Africa’s (ELWA) Hospital in Monrovia. He spent a couple of days there before he was discharged.

Social media in Liberia went into frenzy few minutes after pictures of the Vice President emerged somewhat showing that his left hand had come down paralyzed. This had no medical backing and those who pushed that idea, were only speculating based on the position of his hand at that time.

The party, however, admitted that its Standard Bearer had fallen ill and was checked into a local hospital in Monrovia on Sunday, January 8, “for precautionary observation after he felt minor fever.

The UP informs the public that Amb. Boakai is fine and in good health.

The Unity Party notes with delight that its Standard Bearer sought medical attention at a hospital in Liberia, something which demonstrates his commitment to repose trust and confidence in Liberian institutions.

“The Unity Party is deeply gratified by the myriad of concerns from partisans, well-wishers and supporters alike and calls on the general public to remain hopeful of a better agenda for Liberia’s transformation guided by the able leadership of Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai.”

Diabolical Lie

On January 13, the party termed as a “diabolical lie, the statement from the Government of Liberia that suggests it had “initiated contacts with family members of the former Vice President and offered to help in whatever way they deem necessary…..”

“It can be recalled that a certain fellow on the January 12, 2023 edition of Spoon FM night show that goes by the moniker Keff, reported that President George Weah called the former Vice President and Standard Bearer of the Unity Party and offered to fly him out of the country. The Unity Party and family members of Amb. Boakai refuted the criminally contrived propaganda as the public severely descended on such childish, irresponsible and desperate attempt by the Presidency to play politics with a momentarily unwell condition of a statesman.

The Unity Party considers the government’s release as yet another callous attempt to save face and create the false impression that Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai’s health condition is anything very serious and, that he is unable to pay his medical bills.

The Unit Party hereby informs the Public that the failed and visibly out-of-favor government of George Weah has made no official contact with any member of the JNB family, neither has any family member requested the government for assistance.

Unity Party assures the public that the man poised to rescue Liberia at the hand of the failed CDC government is in a positive state of health and mentally alert to hit the ground running when elected as President of the republic of Liberia at the October 10′ 2023 polls.

The Unity Party warns the government and its surrogates to desist from the desperate and heartless effort to use the health condition of a statesman to redeem their lost image.

No doubt, the CDC government has failed to deliver on its promises; the man on a mission to transform Liberia, Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai is developing ideas and necessary strategies for the upliftment of Liberians from the shackles of poverty.

Unity Party calls on its partisans, supporters and Liberians everywhere to remain upbeat and unperturbed as the mission to elect JNB continues unabated.” 

Former Vice President and Unity Party Standard bearer, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai

Showcasing Him Being Well

On Thursday, January 19, the party showcased their first partisan, Amb. Boakai looking “healthy” and “strong” as thousands of “disenchanted CDCians.”

This pledge of support, followed all the dramas over his health. The former Veep himself hasn’t said anything, even though pictures had surfaced on Facebook showing him looking somewhat physically fit, including the US pictures now making rounds on Facebook.

The former Veep is now very close to his 80th birthday. If he does reach elections day on October 10, 2023 and win, he will be 80.

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