President Weah Launches Free Lifejackets To Fisherfolks Friday


President Weah Launches Free Lifejackets To Fisherfolks Friday

IPNEWS: The government of Liberia through the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority has disclosed the grand official launch of free life jackets to all fishermen by President George Manneh Weah as one of his many flagship programs to the fishing communities.

A press release quotes the Director General of NaFAA as saying the launch will take place Friday, January 20, 2023, on the D-Tweh football field in the borough of New Kru Town with President George Weah serving as the Chief Launcher.

Madam Glassco mentioned that President Weah being conscious of the concerns of the fishermen with regard to their safety at sea and also being cognizant of the alarming death rates, has brought in four forty-foot containers of SOLAS recommended lifejackets to be distributed to each fisherman across Liberia ‘’ one lifejacket to one fisherman”.

She described the lifejackets pending distribution as one of the best safeties measures the CDC-led government wishes to put in place for the fisherfolks.

The Liberian Fisheries Boss recalled that in March 2022 President George Weah brought into Liberia through NaFAA four 40-foot containers of Lifejackets for free distribution to Fishermen across the country.

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