SUP Welcomes UL Students Back to School, Encourages Them to Be More Focused


SUP Welcomes UL Students Back to School, Encourages Them to Be More Focused

IPNEWS: Comrades, ideological militants of the vanguard party in the struggle for rights and rice, proponents and crusaders for social justice, academic freedom, and peace in every space of our society, the masses of the Liberian people who are victims of a system that only favors the elites, men, and women of consciousness.

The leadership of the tripartite joint session of the Politburo, Central Committee concomitantly General Congress of Liberia lifelong Marxist~Leninist and Pan African student movement in the Revolutionary Vanguard Student Unification Party uses this medial to extend a profound welcome back to school encomia and compliments of best wishes to all UL students as they embark on a new academic semester. We would also like to use this means to encourage the broader university student masses in exerting their best efforts as the new academic semester seems to be a very tense one. We admonish them to be very studious and take faith in their education as we prepare for the task ahead of building a wholesale functioning Liberian society that illuminates hopes for the people and gives them the tribune of developing their potential into workable tools for the advancement of Liberian humanity.

The Students of the university must understand that in a country where there is zero opportunity for the young, a country where the talents of young people are made to perish in their hands, a country that produces and reproduces awful despair, despicable hardship, and cloying hopelessness, we must continue to see education as the hope for us and must have excuses for not going to school to prepare ourselves for the daunting task tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the 31st Politburo, Central Committee, concomitantly General Congress of the Vanguard Party in an unambiguous tone demands the University of Liberia under the stewardship of President Julius Sarwolo Nelson to swiftly allow provisional students who reached the traditional grade point of 2.00 GPA access to the portal system to plan and also  use their provisional ID#s for this semester since the University is yet to fill in the vacuum of Dean for Admission which was created by the resignation of Mr. Aaron Kollie. We are giving the Sarwolo Nelson’s administration 48 hours to act accordingly or risk facing the wrath of disenchanted students who are being kept out of school due to administrative problems.

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