Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee Wants Boakai Retire from Politics for Health Reasons


Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee Wants Boakai Retire from Politics for Health Reasons

–Urges, “Unity Party, Do the Right Thing!”

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Nobel laureate Leymah Gbowee has written a missive to the former governing Unity Party, urging the political institution to do the right “to kindly allow Uncle Joe Boakai to retire from politics and focus on his health.”

Few days ago, the former ruling Unity Party disclosed that its standard bearer and political leader, Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, had checked into a local hospital – ELWA – to do precautionary observation on his health, after rumors broke out that the former Vice President had been hospitalized.

After few days at the ELWA hospital in Paynesville, along the Roberts International Airport (RIA), the former Vice President was discharged.

Former Vice President Joe Boakai being taken home following his discharge from hospital. Nobel laureate Gbowee wants him retires from politics for health reasons

Nobel laureate Gbowee in her missive to the Unity Party which comes in the form of an advice and posted on her official social media page wrote and said:

“Dear Unity Party Officials – including my aunty Dabah Varpilah. 

In the interest of peace, development, and the future of Liberia, I would like to ask you all to kindly allow uncle Joe Boakai to retire from politics and focus on his health. He deserves to spend his golden years interacting with his grandkids, enjoying family time. 

I would also like to take this time to ask you all to reconsider your partnership with other political parties and form a merger that will provide a viable political option for the Liberian people. 

The writings are on the wall; my uncle Joe is in no position to contest! Uncle Joe, please be well—I pray God’s blessings upon you. 

Dear Unity Party, Liberia’s political future, and interest lie and rest squarely in your hands! It is high time we put egos aside and put Liberia and her interest first! 

Do the right thing!!!! 


Leymah r. Gbowee 

2011 Nobel peace prize winner”

Meanwhile, there are mixed reactions to the Nobel laureate Gbowee’s candid advice to folks of the Unity Party. For those who believe in their political leader and standard bearer, Joseph Boakai, he is strong and fit to lead Liberia if elected as President in the 2023 election.

Unity Party National Chairman Rev. Dr. Luther Tarpeh – He and his party hierarchy are being advised by Nobel laureate Leymah Gbowee to allow the former VP, Joe Boakai, retires from politics for he

But for those on the side of the political divide, former Vice President Joseph Boakai at 78 years needs to call it a day after 42 years plus of public service. There are those who believe that the former Vice President is being coerced against his will by selfish and self-interest seeking partisans vie for the presidency, but knowing within himself his current health condition may not permit.

It remains to been what decision the former Vice President will make in his own interest taking into consideration his present health condition which seems not to be favorable following his hospitalization at the ELWA hospital.

It is not also known whether Amb. Boakai’s family will pressure him to retire from politics due to his current situation, but political bookmakers are watching as things unfold leaving to the 2023 presidential and legislative elections slated for October.

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