Vice President Taylor Wants Senate Deliberate Speedily on National Budget


Vice President Taylor Wants Senate Deliberate Speedily on National Budget

President George Weah, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor and Senate President Pro Tempore Albert Chie. VP Taylor wants the Senate speedily deliberate the 2023 national budget for government to address issues of national concern

–To Address Youth Unemployment, Drug Abuse, Educational Sector, Others

By: Jacqueline L. Dennis.

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Senate on Capitol Hill in Monrovia on Monday January 16, 2023, officially opened for business which is the 6th Sessions of the 54th Legislature.

Speaking at the opening ceremony at the Senate Chambers, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, who is also President of the Senate among other things informed the Senators about the 2023 National Budget that was submitted to the Senate at the time the House of Representatives was on its  Legislative break.  “I entreat your good offices to begin immediate deliberation as we  commence this 6th regular Session and take a deeper look at the budget proposal sent for  your concurrence, we must be reminded that this is President Weah’s last budget which concludes his first term in office, especially as we prepare for the conduct of national elections.”

“I am confident that you will ensure that this budget will address the alarming situation of youth unemployment and drug abuse, improving the educational sector by looking at all issues and putting forth a comprehensive educational reform program beginning with government commitment to place at least 15% of national Budget to education, increasing access to agriculture financing and support, especially to local farmers who have begun processing all they grow,” she averred.

According to her, by ensuring that government subsidies are made available to sector which will improve economic activity and food Security, supporting financing and providing Agro processing facilities to farmers, and improving infrastructure facilities to jump start processing what “we grow”, indicating that the operational components are provided, especially in foreign Affairs, Security, Health, Gender, Education and Youth and sport among others.

Members of the 54th Legislature at the opening of their 6th session of their final seating before the October 2023 presidential and legislative elections. Vice President Taylor has employ the Senate to speedily deliberate the 2023 budget in order to address national issues of concern

The President of the Senate indicated that, as the budget reflects the operational framework of government they hope the Legislature will provide financial support to all county capitals and county educational system, to ensure the inclusion on the payroll of all volunteer teachers, local government personnel and health care workers. While it’s also important to provide support for the improvement and revitalization of other key sectors such as Tourism and Economic empowerment for strengthening vulnerable groups.

She pointed out that, there is also a critical need  to fully fund the National  Elections  Commission  so that it can be able to perform all its electoral activities in a timely manner, and to provide funding for strengthening the judiciary to be able to deal with the  electoral issues which may arise from the election, and also the consideration of funding for the completion of the long awaited coastal corridor to the South east and last but never the least, to provide funds for the pension of civil servants who have served and need to be compensated  for their long tenure of service to State.

Moreover VP Taylor said,  during the year in review, there was a serious backlog of bills in committee rooms which require the urgent attention of the Senate, some of which are an Act to endorse the National Youth Policy of Liberia, an agenda for action for our young people – long delayed, an Act to provide for the regular budgetary allocation in the National budget for all Capital Cities in the Republic of Liberia, an Act to create a special education fund to support and sustain tuition scheme for private universities and colleges and the to institutionalize funds for free WASSCE for 9th and 12th graders, an Act for the elimination of FGM, an Act to establish the national motorbike union of Liberia, and the ratification of the African Continental free trade agreement amongst other key draft Legislations.

Meanwhile, the Senate Pro Tempore, Pro. Albert Tugbe Chief lamented that, the Committee on Ways, Means, Finance & Budget and Public Account have not started work on the budget which was submitted to the Senate few days before their adjournment.

He said the Senate leadership has mandated these Committees to ensure a final budget which is program based; and performance reports on the implementation of the 2022 National Budget are received from agencies, including the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. “From the side of the Senate, priority areas will be health, education, agriculture, security, elections, electricity funding of integrity institutions and revenue generating agencies,” he concluded.

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