Criminals Injure Three SEGAL Security Officers in Buchanan

Crime Watch

Criminals Injure Three SEGAL Security Officers in Buchanan

The three injured SEGAL Security guards lie in Hospital in Buchanan. Photo Courtesy: Ablee-Jay TV

IPNEWS-Buchanan: Three officers of the Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL) have been brutally attacked and severely wounded by criminals in Buchanan.

On Wednesday, January 11, alleged criminals broke into the fence of Access Bank in Buchanan leaving an officer identified as Anthony Morgan injured.

It was gathered that the alleged criminals managed to take away a motorcycle that was parked in the fence.

SEGAL CEO Momo Cyrus. His security company has provided over 3,000 jobs to Liberians.

During the early morning hours of Thursday, January 12 at 5 am, additional two officers of the Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL) were attacked and severely injured.

According to one of the victims Johnny Bull, the criminals told him that SEGAL officers are hampering their operations.

“The guys said they will kill any of us because we are stopping their operations at ArcelorMittal Liberia”.

He furthered “soon they said that, they started beating me and hitting my head but I managed to escape that’s why they didn’t kill me.”

Meanwhile, there are no reports whether the Liberia National Police Grand Bassa County Detachment has made any arrest regarding the assault on the three SEGAL officers.

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