“We Are Living as Slaves in Own Country – Aggrieved Karnga Island Community Residents

Laws & Order

“We Are Living as Slaves in Own Country – Aggrieved Karnga Island Community Residents

IPNEWS: Residents of the Karnga Island Community along the Japan Freeway on Monday December 19, 2022, staged a peaceful protest against the TRH Trading Corporation in demand of basic social cooperation and responsibilities promised them by TRH management.

According to the chairperson of the aggrieved residents Jeremiah Walker, the management of the company took their lands with properties and built their Company without any compensation.

“TRH under Fawaz took our people’s land from them by force and built their company without giving our people anything as compensation,’ when we talk about it, they tell us that what we are to benefit have been given to our government,” Walker lamented.

Jeremiah Walker furthered that they have been engaging the management of TRH Company since 2012, to find a situation to their problems but to no avail.

Mr. Walker among other things said, they have written several communications to the management of the Company to find a common ground, but all their efforts have failed on fruitless grounds.

“We have written a lot of communications to them, but they have continually said to us that the government is in their pockets,” the aggrieved chairperson noted.

The situation according to the protesting residents has created serious embarrassment to them thus posing environmental threats to their lives and social well-being.

“This company came in the pretend that they were going to help us, we were promised job opportunities, safe-drinking water, and that they were going to provide another alternative road for us since their company is on the main allies that are connecting the community,” Walker decried.

Karnga Island is a Community in District #13 Montserrado County where Representative Edward Papie Flomo is the sitting lawmaker.

In solidarity with the community, Unity Party District #13 Representative Aspirant Cornelia Kruah-Tokpah conveyed a mediating meeting between the community and the company to find a remedy to the situation.

According to Madam Tokpah, the TRH is a serious corporation whose action is affecting Liberians, adding that she is going to make sure that the people’s issues are addressed adequately.

Madam Tokpah maintained that she is going to stand in solidarity with the people of that community in making sure that they get the needed results that are accorded to them as citizens of the country.

After several hours of discussion between the company representative and Madam Kruah Tokpah and the leadership of the community, the company has agreed to provide all the demands of the residents through a written MOU entered into with the management of the TRH.

Meanwhile, with the intervention of aspirant of Tokpah the Company has immediate begun paving of the alley with the effort of the district #13 Representative Aspirants Kruah-Tokpah.

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