Ahead of CPP Rally Tomorrow: Disenchanted CDcians, Ex-combatants, Vulnerable Youths Endorse December 17 protest Rally

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Ahead of CPP Rally Tomorrow: Disenchanted CDcians, Ex-combatants, Vulnerable Youths Endorse December 17 protest Rally

IPNEWS: It is now a day before the much publicized ‘We Taya’ rally by the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), and there are reports of a massive influx of disenchanted and former supporters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC, under the banner ‘Disenchanted CDcians,’ endorsing tomorrow, Saturday, December 17, 2022, planned rally denounce exceeding hardship.

Apart from the disenchanted and former CDC supporters, IPNEWS understand there is also an influx of former ex-combatants, vulnerable youths (Zogos), some indigenous Liberians, the cross-border Women Association of Liberia, and the National Muslims Association of Liberia on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 endorsed the December 17 rally.

Additionally, the United People’s Party (UPP), and the People’s Liberation Party (PLP), among others, have overwhelmingly endorsed the planned rally.

The opposition Collaborating Political Parties CPP/Alternative National Congress (ANC) of Mr. Alexander B. Cummings is leading the December 17 rally.

The opposition claims that under President George Manneh Weah’s rule, Liberians are suffering.

The planned rally is allegedly intended to call the government and international community’s attention to the plights of the citizens.

During a news conference in Monrovia Wednesday at the CPP political offices, CPP Secretary General Martin Saye Kullah said the opposition bloc has done much mobilization.

He claimed that Liberians themselves are tired of the suffering under the Weah-led government and have decided to turn out in mass numbers on Saturday, 17 December 2022 at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville.

He said they will use the rally to express their concerns over the alleged maltreatment from President Weah and his stalwart.

Kullah said Liberians are angry over alleged top-level corruption, harsh suffering of the masses, alleged human rights violations, and others.

He claimed that if President Weah continues to the government after the 2023 elections, Liberia may go down the drain.

He frowned on President Weah and his cabinet for allegedly enriching themselves while trying to silence his critics.

The ‘Disenchanted CDcians Network’ through its Spokesperson, Alexander B. Momo, said it has been fooled by the President after suffering for so many years.

Momo claimed that the disenchanted CDCians are not reaping what they’ve yearned for over the years.

He said President Weah has told Liberians that they will not be spectators in their country,

But in the last five years of his leadership, Momo alleged, they are not even spectators of the economy, but outside the field.

He said this has led them to come together as disenchanted CDCians to express their grievances and have Weah removed because he has allegedly failed the entire country, not only CDCians.

Also Speaking, the Cross-Border Women Association of Liberia frowned on the alleged stubborn leadership of President Weah.

The group claimed that everything has gone from bad to worse.

Ma Sanja D. Dumbar, the group’s chairlady, said over 2,000 disenchanted members of the Cross-Border Women Association of Liberia have resolved to turn out against Weah’s bad leadership.

Additionally, the Indigenous People of Liberia said they are angry with how things are going and must pursue legal actions against the Weah-led government for allegedly squandering the country’s natural resources.

For their part, the United People Party through Roland S. Trobeh said it has overwhelmingly endorsed the rally because it is the right time for change near election year. By Emmanuel wise Jipoh -New Dawn

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