No Evidence of Counterfeiting by Rep. Gunpue Kargon- IPNEWS Investigation Reveals

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No Evidence of Counterfeiting by Rep. Gunpue Kargon- IPNEWS Investigation Reveals

IPNEWS: New evidence has emerged rejecting claims linking Nimba County District No. 4 Representative Gunpue L. Kargon, A.K.A. ‘Dubai King’, to counterfeiting and money laundering of Liberian dollars from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates to Monrovia.

According to an IPNEWS investigation, what was earlier misunderstood to be a money laundering spree, was actually a demonstration of the coordinated business transaction by Rep. Kargon.

IPNEWS investigation further revealed that the popular named “Dubai King’ arose following Representative Kargon, willingness to inspire other young entrepreneurs in Nimba county by encouraging them to Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

Some of the eyewitnesses revealed how Representative Gunpue Kargon, was instrumental in taking them out of poverty due to his selflessness in encouraging scores of young businessmen in the provisional city of Gumpa (Ganta) to explore business in the far-east.

At a hearing by the Media Council of Liberia-a body set up by the press Union of Liberia, in Monrovia, Representative Gunpue Kargon, displayed convincing evidence of his long-standing business dealings in various merchandise including mobile phones which propelled him for the larger market making his way to Dubai, United Arab Emirates in the Middle East.

IPNEWS furthermore realized that an initial recording circulated to which IPNEWS sought clarity from Representative Gunpue Kargon had been dotted and produced for political reasons.

At the hearing, the Chief Executive Office of IPNEWS, Chester A. Smith, accepted the misrepresentation of Representative Gunpue L. Kargon, and vow to retract the Independent Probe’s earlier publication after it was overwhelmingly clear that the recording might have been dotted and had a political undertone.

It may be recalled, IPNEWS in its October 21, 2022, edition captioned “New Liberian Dollars COUNTERFEIT SPREE -‘Dubai King’, Others Linked (Part 1), linked Representative Gunpue L. Kargon to counterfeiting and money laundering of Liberian dollars from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

The newspaper reported that leaked audio intercepted from an accomplice named Thomas Kollie, currently living in Dubai narrates how Representative Kargon, commonly known across Nimba County, as ‘Dubai King’, has procured four containers of the counterfeit money for dispatched to Liberia for use on the parallel market.

IPNEWS further reported that classified information available to it stated that most of the counterfeit money was brought through bordering areas in Bluetooth rechargeable speakers which have recently been visible across Liberia.

In the leaked audio, IPNEWS reported the accomplice Kollie encouraging a man (name withheld) and several persons to travel to Dubai for counterfeit Liberian dollars production.

Some sources close to the Nimba County Representative, also told IPNEWS that Rep. Kargon has been involved with this alleged counterfeiting since 2010.

During the inquiry by the Media Council, Representative Gunpue Kargon admitted traveling to Dubai in mid-September 2022 but was for the purchase of solar lights procured by some members of the Legislature due to his ability to acquire them at affordable pricing.

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