MOH-Partners Celebrate Universal Health Coverage Day 2022


MOH-Partners Celebrate Universal Health Coverage Day 2022

— As WHO Rep. Calls on World Leaders to keep Promise for Greater Financing for Health by 2030

IPNEWS: World Health Organization (WHO) Country Director Dr. Peter Clement on December 12, 2022, spoke at the commemoration of International Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day.

The celebration of the UHC day began with a parade from the ministerial complex in Congo town and climaxed with an indoor program held at the Ministry of Health (MOH).

0n December 12, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) heads of state and Governments made a bold commitment by endorsing a resolution 72/138 urging countries to achieve universal health coverage by 2030, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.

Cross-section of participants at UHC Day celebration Day 2022

The meeting aims at mobilizing the global community to secure a political commitment from Heads of State and Government to accelerate progress toward achieving universal health coverage (UHC).

Later on, December 12, 2017, the day was proclaimed by the United Nations as International Universal Health Coverage Day that is now celebrated worldwide.

Dr. Peter Clement, delivering his keynote speech said Universal Health Coverage is a vision where people and communities have access to quality services where and when they need them without financial hardship.

He averred UHC includes the full spectrum of services needed throughout life ranging from promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care, and is best based on a strong primary healthcare system.

Deputy Health Minister Norwu Howard and platform guest @UHC Day 2022

According to Dr. Clement, the day is a global movement calling on world leaders to keep the promise made at the high-level meeting on UHC in 2019 and achieve health for all by 2030. “The day marks is timely as it occurs before the 2023 high-level meeting on universal health coverage.

The World Health Organization Country Representative noted the UHC day is an important moment to drive momentum for health for all and thanked the government of Liberia for its unwavering commitment to achieving UHC.

Dr. Clement disclosed that half of the world’s population does not receive the health services they need, noting that about 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty each year because of out-of-pocket spending on health and that nearly 930 million people spend 10% of their household income on healthcare. The figures he said are shocking and require urgent action if the government wants to achieve the world it wants by ensuring access to affordable and quality health services for all.

Parade of MOH & Partners during UHC Day 2022

“As we commemorate this day, we raise our voices in awareness and solidarity to advocate for strong and resilient health systems as the foundation for primary healthcare to accelerate UHC.

The WHO country Rep. in his remark called on political leaders to make smarter investments in health and encouraged all partners and key stakeholders to make the commitment towards achieving UHC by 2030.

This year Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is celebrated globally under the theme “Build the world we want A healthy future for,” with Liberia commemorating the day with a national theme: “Build Liberia we want A healthy future for all.

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