“NaFAA Will Establish CMA In All Coastal Counties”-Assures Hon. Boeh

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“NaFAA Will Establish CMA In All Coastal Counties”-Assures Hon. Boeh

NaFAA Boss Commends Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation

 IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Deputy Director General for Technical Services of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) Hon. William Y. Boeh has disclosed plans by the Liberian fisheries authority with support from international partners that the Co-Management Association (CMA) will be established in all coastal counties.

Currently, there are established Co-Management Associations in Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Margibi, and Grand Bassa Counties to enhance the sustainability of the Liberian fisheries sector.

It can be recalled, in 2019, the Management of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority established the Co-Management Association jointly in Montserrado and Bomi Counties. With financial support from the European Union, the Environmental Justice Foundation recently established the Co-Management Association in Grand Bassa and Margibi counties under its communities for fisheries projects.

Speaking Friday during the validation exercise of the CMA constitution, Hon Boeh said the CMA constitution upon completion of the validation exercise will enhance the operations of the CMAs established in Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Margibi, and Grand Bassa Counties.

Hon. Boeh noted that the Co-Management Association Constitution will at the same time, give all the CMAs what he termed as the legal regime in order to fast-track their operations and ensure that they operate appropriately across the fishing communities.

Moreover, Hon Boeh challenged the participants to make contributions that would ensure a better validation of the CMA constitution and lead to the sustainability of the Liberian fisheries sector.

Meanwhile, the Chief Representative of the Environmental Justice Foundation in Liberia Cephas  Asare called for collaborative engagements among parties including the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, the Liberia Artisanal Fishermen Association, and the various Co-Management AAssociationsto ensure success in the sustainable management of Liberian fisheries.

Mr. Asare assured that once there exists cooperation among all parties in Liberia through its Fisheries Authority, NaFAA will be successful in its plan to ensure sustainable fisheries across the nine coastal counties.

It can be recalled in November 2022, Grand Bassa CMA leadership was inducted into office in the port city of Buchanan following their election. The establishment of CMA is expected to continue across southeastern counties with the latest to be established in Grand Kru County.

Meanwhile, in an effort to address the immediate critical health needs of Liberians particularly children living with heart disease, the Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority is calling on the government, the business community especially the private sector, and international partners to partner and financial support the management of Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation.

Rescue Children Heart Foundation is a Liberian-owned medical institution established to address cardiac issues affecting Liberian Children and adults.

“We are encouraging the management of John F. Kennedy Medical Center JFK and our health authorities, especially the Ministry of Health to continue to partner with the Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation and increase their support to this great initiative, especially the establishment of a cardiac surgery unit at the JFK medical center”.

Addressing the audience last weekend during the official launch of the Foundation and National fund drive for the establishment of a cardiac surgery unit at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center Hon Emma Metieh Glassco challenged the government through the Legislature to invest in the development of Liberian children, especially in their healthcare and education.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, let me state categorically that as a Nation, in order to save the future, we must invest in the development of our children, especially in their healthcare and education. This is a hint to our country. I too believe that a healthier and better-prepared child will lead to an innovative youth and a dedicated and patriotic Statesman.”

Madam Glassco said the effort by the management of Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation is about the great courage and spirit of the children and other beneficiaries including young people and even older people.

At the same time, Hon Glassco noted that Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation initiative is about proving an opportunity to save lives. She describes their effort as being laudable and in the interest of Liberian children.

“For today’s occasion, it is not just the extraordinary sacrifices, professionalism, and dedication by the team of Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation. It is also about the great courage and spirit of the children and other beneficiaries, including young people and even older people. It is about providing an opportunity to save a life”.

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority Boss added that the occasion is about the extraordinary sacrifices, professionalism, and dedication of the team of Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation. She furthered that It is also about the great courage and spirit of the children and other beneficiaries, including young people and even older people, and about providing an opportunity to save a life.

Madam Glassco said they anticipate that Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation will serve as a beacon of hope for the children and the greater population and the that foundation’s program document, clearly stated its commitment to the development of continuous and sustainable cardiac surgery in Liberia while at the same time serving as a bridge between parents and their children and the transition to a more comfortable lifestyle following the diagnosis of heart disease.

She challenged the management of Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation to uphold its core values and provide the best in delivering equitable healthcare, especially for Liberian children and adults living with heart disease. She urged that it should not be a death sentence, but a means of hope.

The Liberian Fisheries Expert anticipates that Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation will serve as a beacon of hope for the children of Liberia and the greater population.

Madam Glassco disclosed that Liberia has made some gains in the health sector. She recalled that recent reports from the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC) 2023 scorecard graded Liberia 66% on health expenditure but with a struggling 33% on Child Health. She pointed out that these are encouraging signs but as a country, she added Liberia still has a long way to make significant gains.

Madam Glassco Commended Liberian health workers and the government for the achievements made so far in the heath sector. She furthered that National Data shows a total of 198 children were diagnosed with heart disease over the past 5 years at the JFK medical center.

“The research conducted on the prevalence and pattern of heart disease amongst the pediatric age group in Liberia also established that for every 1000 children born, 8 of them will have heart disease; while 72.6% of all children with heart disease in Liberia die without receiving treatment. The situation requires serious attention especially where cardio-related diseases in Liberia, once diagnosed, is a death sentence”.

She termed the efforts by the management of Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation as a laudable venture and requested that it should attract the support of every well-meaning Liberian and international partner.

She noted that NaFAA as Institution, pledged its support to the initiative undertaken by the management of Rescue Children’s Heart Foundation and hoped that its programs cover the children of fishing communities as well noting that they too need their services. Madam Glassco pledged NaFAA’s support through its 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility budget.

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