CPP Warns Government of Catastrophic Mistake


CPP Warns Government of Catastrophic Mistake

–As Opposition, Government Tussle over December 17 ‘Peaceful’ Assembly 

By Taisiah K. Merfee

The opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) says there will be another catastrophic mistake by the Government of Liberia here if it dares try to prevent the ‘peaceful assembly’ of the  Liberian people on December 17, 2022, saying that they are more ‘dangerous’ than the fear and threat being instilled by the government to prevent the people’s assembly.

The CPP however, has warned the Government of Liberia, saying that they (CPP) are more dangerous than the mere threats, intimidation and fear that they (GOL) are issuing, adding that any attempt for the government to provide security protection it will be a catastrophic.

“This December 17 rally, will not be a picture of Soweto. What I see happening, there will be another catastrophic mistake on the part of this government if they try to prevent the people from expressing themselves. Mark my words on this day. I believe this police officer who the government itself has abused are on the side of the people. Let the government try it, it will be the day the government will see that police office will try to wave white flag,” Mr. George Wisner, a member of Team Cummings told an interview on Sky FM Monday morning on December 5, 2022.

He said that the government has lost the will to stand in the way of the Liberian people, adding that the rally is not for the CPP but they are providing the platform.

He maintained that the December 17 rally will not be catastrophic if the government who has the responsibility to provide security to protect its citizens fails to prevent the catastrophe.

“This is to the government, the CPP and the Liberian people we are more dangerous than fear. You can’t frighten us with fear.  Let Major Jefferson Koijee and other try the resolve of the Liberian people, I dare them. I dare this government to do something contrary. The people have the right to express themselves. The risk will be by preventing the people from doing so,” Mr. Wisner noted.

He added that the matter is not about giving and receiving receipt, but the Liberian people have decided to approach their government responsibly through the CPP and they have followed all of the process and the government has agreed that the Liberian people can assemble on public space.

Mr. Wisher said that they are not going on the stadium neither the VIP, but will assemble in front and outside of the stadium because they have made payment and inform the government of Liberia to provide security protection.

Minister Zeogar Wilson is very economical on this issues. This government is twisting the Minister arm because his office was excited when we made the payment.  However, I want to say to them, nothing can stop this from happening on December 17 at the stadium. Comes thunder, or rain, we will gather the Liberia people to speak to this government that enough is enough and if you cannot do what you were elected, than shift and leave,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, also appearing on the OK Morning Rush on Monday December 5, 2022 via telephone, Youth and Sports Minister D. Zeogar Wilson iterated that nobody, neither the CPP will use the Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex for any political rally.

He said that on November 16, CPP wrote his office and on the 18th his office received the letter and in the letter they requested to use the SKD for a political rally on December 17, 2022 when he was out of the country but they never authorized the CPP because of some ongoing work at the facility.

“I don’t regret any inconvenience this may cause the CPP.  The reason is just simple, because before the CPP went to my finance officers to pay the money for the facility my Special Assistant told Martin Kollah and Cllr. Aloysius Toe that the facility will not be available. Now, we need to find out from CPP what is their intent because they told my staff that they have put in time, resource and planning for that venue when they have not gotten my approval,” he noted.

According to him, the acting Minister received the letter on his behalf and instructed his Chief for Office Staff Pastor Gabriel S. C. Blama to respond to CPP and let them know that the facility is not available for use as they have agreed in their internal staff meeting.

Minister Wilson said after a while, CPP through some of its officials including Martin Kollah, Aloysius Toe came to do follow up and they were informed again that the facility is not for public use now due to some ongoing works but they pleaded with him on grounds that they have put in enough resources already for their assembly.

“Pastor Blama told them during the meeting that there is nothing he can do about that. Pastor Blama also asked them, why they approved the SKD without seeking approval from them and planning on that day and the venue for the rally. After a moment they requested to talk to someone else that we can talk to? He answered them and referred them to the acting Minister but they requested seeing the person that does the scheduling and that how they were taken to Ms. Miatta,” he noted.

Mr. Wilson said that they went to Miatta and she did the billing knowing fully well that she cannot do billing without his approval or the Deputy Minister for Administration but she failed to send the letter to them for approval rather went ahead and received money from the CPP despite CPP being in the know.

“We never knew that all that happened. However, it was on November 30 that we got to know that such transaction went on. Meanwhile, we have officially written the CPP informing them that they will not use the facility. The staff they interacted with does not have the authority and so they should go to her for their money. We will take administrative action against her. She and the CPP should take responsibility for this,” he concluded.

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